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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 19, v. 2: "Zose chukas haTorah" - Rashi says that satan and the gentiles pester the bnei Yisroel by asking what is the rationale behind the statute of the red heifer. They especially try to antagonize us when we fulfill a statute because when we do a mitzvoh whose reason is not comprehended we show a total allegiance and subordination to Hashem's will. They know that this brings us great merit and cannot tolerate this. They therefore push us to find reasons so that we will fulfill the statute mitzvos on a lower level only. (Rabbi Naftoli of Ropshitz in Zera Kodesh)

Ch. 19, v. 2: "Zose chukas haTorah" - Just as the red heifer purifies the defiled and defiles the pure, so too, the study of Torah can either be a purifying experience, or ch"v its study can lead to misapplication to the point that it brings to defilement. (Rabbi Moshe of Kobrin in Toras Ovos, Rabbi Dovid of Lelov in Likutei Divrei Dovid)

Ch. 19, v. 2: "V'yikchu ei'lecho foroh adumoh t'mimoh asher ein boh moom asher lo oloh o'lehoh ole" - They should take a lesson from an animal that is complete even though it has no yoke of responsibility to fulfill mitzvos. If an animal does not deviate from its proper behaviour, how much more so should we, who carry the yoke of Torah responsibilities, act properly. (Rabbi Yechezkeil of Radomsk in Knesses Yechezkeil)

Ch. 19, v. 2: "Moom asher lo oloh o'lehoh ole" - When one wants to purify himself after sinning, he should admit his shortcoming and not excuse himself with the lame excuse that he sinned because he has such a great yoke of material responsibilities and desires. (Rabbi Menachem Mendel Paneth Admor of Dej in Maaglei Tzedek)

Ch. 19, v. 2: "Asher lo oloh o'lehoh ole" - If one truly accepts upon himself the yoke of Torah, "Zose chukkas haTorah," then he is relieved of the yoke of the government and of pursuit of a livelihood, as per the mishnoh Pirkei Ovos 3:6. (Rabbi Isomor of Konskovalle in Mishmeres Isomor)

Ch. 20, v. 10: "Shimu noh hamorim" - Because Moshe spoke in a harsh manner he created an atmosphere of toughness. He could no longer speak softly to the rock to give forth its waters. He now had to hit it. His shortcoming was in his manner of speech, not in the actual hitting, as it was only a result of his previous action. (Kedushas Levi)

Ch. 20, v. 22: "Kol ho'eidoh" - Rashi says that all the congregation refers to the new generation. All those upon whom it was decreed to die had already died. The whole congregation is those who the Torah calls "chaim kulchem ha'yom." That verse begins with "V'a'tem hadveikim baShem Elokeichem." Because they totally cleaved to Hashem and were not affected negatively by their contact with Edom, they are "chaim kulchem." (Ponim Yofos)

Ch. 21, v. 11: "Vayisu mei'ovos vayachanu b'i'yei ho'avorim" - When they traveled away from the path of their fathers they came to rest in the desolation of sins. (Rabbi Sho'ul Y'didyoh Eliezer of Modzitz in Imrei Sho'ul)

Ch. 21, v. 17: "Ali v'eir enu loh" - If one wants to ascend in Torah, which is likened to a wellspring, he must subordinate himself to it, "enu loh." (Rabbi Moshe Yechiel of Ozhrov in B'eir Moshe)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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