Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 21, v. 10: "Ki seitzei lamilchomoh" - Rashi says that the verse is discussing a voluntary war, "milche'mes horshus." The greatest war one wages is not when his evil inclination attempts to persuade him to transgress an overt Torah precept, but rather, when a situation arises where technically the act is permitted, but goes under the ruling of "ka'deish atz'm'cho b'mutor l'cho," sanctify yourself even with that which is permitted to you. This is the true war of "milche'mes horshus." (The Holy Admor of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 22, v. 6: "Ki yiko'rei kan tzipor l'fo'necho" - The gemara states that the mitzvoh of "shiluach hakan" is an easy mitzvoh. Why is this particular mitzvoh the quintessential example of an easy mitzvoh? Aren't there numerous other ones that have no out of pocket costs? This mitzvoh is unique in that it requires no preparation. We derive from "ki yiko'rei" that one must "happen" upon a bird's nest, "prat limzumon," but not a nest that was prepared and set up specifically for fulfilling the mitzvoh. Preparation for a mitzvoh is a great factor in doing a mitzvoh properly and can often be quite taxing. Since "siluach hakan" requires no preparation it is indeed an easy mitzvoh. (Imrei Emes)

Ch. 23, v. 24: "Motzo s'fo'secho tishmor v'osiso kaasher nodarto laShem Elokecho" - Guard your word as you have promised to Hashem before you were born, as related in the gemara Nidoh 30a, Tanyo mashbiin oso t'hi tzadik v'al t'hi rosho," - we have been taught in a Breiso that before a person is born he is sworn to be a righteous person and not a wicked person. (Shal"oh Hakodosh)

Ch. 25, v. 3: "Arbo'im ya'kenu" - The gemara Makos 23a relates that some people are foolish. They stand in honour of a passing Torah scroll but not in front of a Torah scholar, a "gavro rabo." The Torah says that a sinner should receive 40 lashes and the Rabbis interpret this to mean only 39 lashes. Why doesn't the gemara derive this from an earlier source? The Torah says to count 50 days to the Omer and it is understood to mean 49 days? A "gavro rabo" is one who alleviates and lessens the plight of a fellow ben Yisroel, such as lessening the number of lashes he receives. (Rabbi Meyer Yechiel haLevi the Holy Admor of Ostrovtze)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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