Chasidic Insights

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 30, v. 12: "Ki siso es rosh" - If you want to elevate yourself, then elevate the word "rosh," spelled Reish-Alef-Shin. Look at the letters above these and you have Shin-Beis-Tof, which spells Shabbos. By keeping Shabbos you elevate yourself. (Chidushei Hori"m )

Ch. 30, v. 12: "Ki siso es rosh bnei Yisroel lifkudeihem" - If you want to elevate the bnei Yisroel, you must make them aware of their shortcomings, "lifkudeihem." The word form "pokode" has as one of its translations "lacking." (Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok of Blendov in Emes l'Yaakov)

Ch. 30, v. 12: "Kofer nafsho" - If one wants to have atonement for his shortcomings, he has to realize that it lies not with others, but rather, with himself, "nafsho." (Rabbi Leibel Eiger of Lublin in Toras Emes)

Ch. 30, v. 13: "B'shekel hakodesh" - Rashi says that Hashem showed Moshe the half-shekel as a coin of fire, "matbei'a shel aish." The main value of giving the half-shekel is giving it with fire, enthusiasm. (Chidushei Hori"m)

Ch. 30, v. 15: "He'oshir lo yarbeh v'hadal lo yamit" - He who has a wealth of mitzvos should not be arrogant because of this. He who is meager in mitzvos should not fall into despondency. The feeling that he is a nothing, "lo," he should limit, "yamit." (Rabbi Yisroel of Kozshnitz in Ohel Yisochor)

Ch. 30, v. 15: "Hasho'kel" - Rashi says that three tithes are mentioned in our parsha. They correspond to three sanctities, that of Hashem, of His nation the bnei Yisroel, and of the Torah. (Rabbi Leibel Eiger of Lublin in Toras Emes)

Ch. 30, v. 15: "Hasho'kel lo'seis es trumas Hashem" - This word has the same source as "mishkol," a weight balance. Just as one side of a balance scale rises as the other side lowers itself, so too, for one to elevate himself to Hashem, "es trumas Hashem," he has to lower himself on the other side. (Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov of Sadigura in Beis Yisroel)

Ch. 30, v. 23: "B'somim rosh mor" - Even if one has "rosh mor," bitterness in his head, melancholy, he must change this attitude to a positive one, as fragrant spices, "b'somim." (Noam Elimelech)

Ch. 30, v. 38: "Ish asher yaa'seh chomohoh l'horiach boh v'nichras mei'amov" - If one acts holy in a copycat manner with no inner feelings, "komohoh," with the intention of "l'horiach boh," so that his fragrance should travel far, so that he be known as a righteous person, then "v'nichras mei'amov," he will be severely punished, excised from his nation. (Baal Shem Tov)

Ch. 31, v. 4: "Lach'shov machashovose laasose bazohov uva'kesef uvanchoshes" - B'tzal'eil had the ability to discern in the physical objects that were donated the level of generous intent of the donour. He put the items to use according to the level of the donour's generosity. (Rabbi Yisroel of Ruzhin in Sifsei Tzadik and Chidushei Hori"m)

Ch. 31, v. 4: "Machashovose laasose" - One should only think of doing mitzvos. When one has in mind to do mitzvos Hashem counts it as if they were actually done (gemara Kidushin 39b), "machashovose," thoughts are equated to laasose," action. (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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