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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 29, v. 9: "A'tem nitzovim" - Only as a group, "a'tem," are you guaranteed that you will be standing firmly upright. (The Holy Admor Rabbi Nochum of Tchernobel in M'ore Eina'yim)

Ch. 29, v. 9: "A'tem nitzovim ha'YOM" - The fact that you, the nation of bnei Yisroel, find yourself steadfast even after a history of suffering through anti-Semitism, wars, pogroms, etc. can be likened to "ha'yom," the day. Just as the night precedes the day and is pitch-black, symbolic of tribulations, and yet daylight begins to shine at dawn, so also after a lengthy history of darkness the light of Moshiach will shine and you will merit salvation. (Va'y'da'beir Moshe)

Ch. 29, v. 9; Ch. 31, v. 1: "A'tem nitzovim; Va'yeilech Moshe" - During the lifetime and leadership of Gerrer chasidus by the Sfas Emes, his son the Imrei Emes interpreted the names of our parshios: "A'tem nitzovim," - You are standing still and are stagnant, but, "Va'yeilech Moshe," - your leader Moshe progresses in his servitude of Hashem. Learn from Moshe who is 120 years old and still continues to strengthen himself daily in serving Hashem.

When the Imrei Emes became the leader of the Gerrer chasidim he interpreted as follows: "A'tem nitzovim" - because you, the bnei Yisroel, are standing strong on your level, "Va'yeilech Moshe," - Moshe has the power to progress and go forward.

In this vein the Baal Shem Tov explained the words in Bmidbar 9:8, "Imdu v'esh'm'oh ma yitza'veh Hashem lochem." Only through your standing strong as a Torah abiding nation will I, as your leader, be able to hear Hashem's word. His son, the Beis Yisroel, interpreted: "A'tem nitzovim," - because you are standing strong and not faltering in your service of Hashem, "Va'yeilech Moshe," - Moshe is able to proceed without sin. If the nation is faulty its leaders will also slip, as is written, "Im haKohein hamoshiach yecheto l'ashmas ho'om" (Vayikro 4:3), which can be interpreted as, "If the anointed Kohein will sin, it is by virtue of the sin of the nation."

His son, the Pnei Menachem interpreted: "A'tem nitzovim," - You are able to sustain as a nation through the merit of, "Va'yeilech Moshe," - Moshe's continual going forward in his service of Hashem. (Rosh Gulas Ariel vol. 2, 336:51)

Ch. 29, v. 18: "V'hisbo'reich bilvovo" - One whose actions are sinful but feels that he will escape retribution because, "v'hisbo'reich bilvovo," he has a "good heart," will not escape punishment, as per the next verse, "Lo yoveh Hshem slo'ach lo." (The Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 29, v. 18: "L'maan sfose horovoh es hatzmei'oh" - Rashi explains that this person will be held responsible for an accidental sin as an intentional sin. All the more so will a person who unintentionally fulfills a mitzvoh reap a reward, as the yardstick of payment for good is more magnanimous than for punishment. (Shem miShmuel)


Ch. 31, v. 17: "Ha'lo al ki ein Elokay b'kirbi" - Since this person recognizes that he has sinned, why does Hashem respond with "V'onochi hastier astir ponay"? He only regrets having served other gods, but has not searched after and eradicated the cause for his turning in that direction in the first place, as indicated by "ki FONOH el elohim acheirim," - he has TURNED to other gods. (Avnei Nezer)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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