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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 13, v. 19,20: "Hatovoh hee im ro'oh, Hashmeinoh hee im rozoh" - See to it that you report that it is good even if it seems at first glance bad, that it is rich even if it seems lean. (Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 13, v. 19: "Habmachanim im b'mivtzorim" - A chosid of Rabbi Yechezkeil of Kuzhmir came to seek counsel in his Rebbe. His question was whether he should live in a large city, replete with the resources needed by a ben Yisroel, or move to a small village, which had the distinct advantage of being quiet, without the hustle and bustle distractions of the large city.

The Rebbe responded that the answer lies in our verse as explained by Rashi. Rashi says that Moshe gave the spies a clear sign of the strength of the land's inhabitants. If they lived in unfortified cities and towns, it is a clear sign that they are very strong, and not afraid of being attacked by enemies. If however, they live in fortified cities, it is a sign of their weakness, as they have the need for protective walls against their enemies.

We see from this that if one feels he is very strong spiritually, and has the power to fight the evil inclination, he may live in a small unfortified town. If he is weak spiritually, he must live in a fortified city. i.e. fortified with a strong education system, with a proper Rav, etc. (Nechmod Mizohov)

Ch. 13, v. 26: "Va'yarum es pri ho'oretz" - And their fear of Hashem is measured by the produce of the land, as is stated in parshas "V'hoyoh im shomo'a," if you hearken to Hashem's mitzvos He will give you an abundance of produce. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 13, v. 30: "Va'yahas Ko'leiv es ho'om el Moshe" - Ko'leiv did not respond with counterclaims. He just stated "el Moshe," listen to Moshe and do as he says. (Rabbi Klonomis Kalmish of Piseczna in Aish Kodesh)

Ch. 13, v. 33: "Va'n'hi v'eineinu kachagovim v'chein hoyinu b'einei'hem - Because the spies lacked in their trust of Hashem and considered themselves as insects, this likewise gave them the same stature in the eyes of the land's inhabitants. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 13, v. 33: "V'chein hoyinu b'einei'hem - This was their greatest fault. If you are doing the will of Hashem, why care about what others think of you? (Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 14, v. 7: "Tovoh ho'oretz m'ode m'ode" - A person who lived in Eretz Yisroel came to the Admor Rabbi Moshe of Lelov and related to him his negative views of the Holy Land. Rabbi Moshe resoundingly told him off, stating that the land is "tovoh" to him who has the characteristic of "m'ode m'ode he'vei shfal ruach."

Ch. 14, v. 9: "Ach baShem al timrodu" - By holding oneself small, "ach," it is more likely that he will not rebel against Hashem. (Nirreh li) However, there is a time and place where false modesty can be quite damaging. A person can feel so unworthy that he might join a group of bad people, reasoning that he is no better than they. Here we apply, "Ach," making yourself small is good, but, "baShem al timrodu," don't let this lead to rebelling against Hashem. (Rabbi Chaim Mayer of Vizhnitz in Imrei Chaim)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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