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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 9, v. 10: "Yayin v'sheichor al teisht" - M.R. chapter #12 says that these words are the fulfillment of the words of T'hilim 19:9, "Piku'dei Hashem y'shorim m'sam'chei leiv." This can be explained as follows: Why indeed does the Torah prohibit the drinking of wine before doing the service in the Beis Hamikdosh? After all, wine brings to happiness, as per the words of T'hilim 104: 15, "V'yayin y'samach l'vav enosh." Shouldn't the Kohein serve Hashem while in a state of happiness? The M.R. answers that since the Torah prohibited drinking wine, the Kohein by complying with this edict would be happy because "Piku'dei Hashem y'shorim m'sam'chei leiv." (Rabbi Simchoh Bunim of Parshis'cha)

Ch. 9, v. 23: "Va'y'vorachu es ho'om" - Rashi says that their blessing was, "Y'hi rotzone shetishreh sh'chinoh v'maa'asei y'deichem." This can be interpreted as: May it be your will, each and every one of the bnei Yisroel, that you invest the Holy Spirit in the creations of your hands; imbue your actions with sanctity. (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel)

Ch. 10, v. 1,2: "Asher lo tzivoh osom, Va'yomusu" - A person can theoretically fulfill any of Hashem's mitzvos with such emotion and sanctity that his soul would cleave (mitzvoh = tzavsa, joining) to Hashem and his soul would leave him, "k'los nefesh." However, he is protected from this happening through the mitzvoh itself. Just as each mitzvoh is a command from Hashem, so too, there is the mitzvoh of "vochai bo'hem" (Vayikroh 18:5), to remain alive. Here however, Nodov and Avihu invested in their activities a longing to cleave with Hashem, but they did not have the benefit of a mitzvoh to protect them from "k'los nefesh." Because of "asher lo tzivoh osom," the lack of a mitzvoh, "va'yomusu," they died. (Chidushei HoRi"m)

Ch. 10, v. 20: "Va'yishma Moshe va'yitav b'einov" - In his youth the Yid Hakodosh was hired as a private tutor for the children of a wealthy man in a small village. A number of years later one of this villager's sons, named Moshe, was stricken with an eye disease. The pursuit of a remedy through eye specialists was of no avail. Having heard that the former tutor had become an Admor, he traveled to him with the afflicted son. When the child was brought to the Yid Hakodosh, the Yid Hakodosh told the child a dvar Torah. He then asked the child, "Moshe, do you hear, i.e. understand the Torah thought I just told you?" The child responded in the affirmative. The Yid Hakodosh said, "If 'Va'yishma Moshe,' then 'va'yitav b'einov,'" he will have healthy eyes. The child's eyesight began improving immediately and shortly thereafter his eyes were restored to total health.


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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