Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 25, v. 8: "V'shochanti b'sochom" - I will rest in the hearts of those who donate for the Mishkon with a full heart. (Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 25, v. 18: "V'osiso shnayim K'RUVIM" - Rashi says that the k'ruvim had the faces of children. In Breishis 3:24 on the words "es haK'RUVIM" Rashi says that they were angels of destruction. Why the change in meaning of the word K'RUVIM?

When they are connected to the Torah, the Ten Commandments etched into the tablets housed in the Holy Ark, they remain innocent young children. When not connected to the Torah, they turn into angels of destruction. (Rabbi M. M. Epstein Baal Oruch Hashulchon)

Ch. 25, v. 28: "V'niso VoM es hashulchon" - The showbread table symbolizes the table in our home. It is the conduit for sustenance. Through "BoM" the table is elevated. The letters of "BoM" are an acronym for both Birkas Motzi and Birkas Mozone, which elevate the sanctity of our table in our home. (Rabbi Noach Mindes in Niflo'os Chadoshos)

The mishnoh in Pirkei Ovos 3:4 says that if three people eat at a table and there are no words of Torah discussed among them, it is as if they partook of sacrifices offered to idols, as per Yeshayohu 28:8. If they discuss words of Torah then it is as if they ate from Hashem's table, as per Yechezkel 41:22. The gemara Yoma 19b derives from the words "v'dibarto BoM" (Dvorim 6:7) that one should discuss Torah matters and not outside matters. We can thus say that one's table will be elevated through "BoM," discussion of Torah matters at the meal. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 25, v. 31: "Mikshoh tei'o'seh hamenorah - The menorah symbolizes the oral Torah. It is created through questions, "mikshoh," and answers, "kushyos v'sirutzim." (Rabbi Noson of Breslov in Toras Noson)
Alternatively, only one who does not coddle and pamper himself will merit to shine with the light of the Torah. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 25, v. 40: "U'r'ei va'a'sei .. asher attoh mo'reh bohor" - See and make yourself as you have been shown THROUGH the mountain, Har Sinai. Just as it symbolizes humbleness, as it is a small mountain, so too, you should learn to make yourself humble. (Rabbi Eliezer of Vizhnitz in Da'mesek Eliezer)

Ch. 25, v. 40: "U'r'ei va'a'sei .. asher attoh mo'reh bohor" - See and make yourself as you have TRADED, as in the word form "tmuroh," by Har Sinai. Upon accepting a commitment to the Torah you have traded in pursuit of physicality for a spiritual existence. See, "u'r'ei," to do, "va'a'sei," to do so. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 26, v. 6: "V'hoyoh haMishkon echod" - The Mishkon will come into existence through the unity of the bnei Yisroel. (Rabbi Noson of Breslov in Toras Noson)

Ch. 26, v. 35: "V'es ha'menorah nochach hashulchon" - One should be continuously aware that the pursuit of income, symbolized by the shulchon, should be for the purpose of Torah, symbolized by the menorah. (Rabbi Moshe Yechiel of Ozhrov)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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