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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 27, v. 20: "V'atoh t'za'veh es bnei Yisroel" - You, Moshe, are required to make the bnei Yisroel join in unity. "T'za'veh" is to be understood as "join," from the Aramaic word form "tzavso." (Rabbi Mayer of Bluzshov in Zichron Mayer)

Ch. 27, v. 20: "V'yikchu ei'lecho .. l'haalos ner tomid" - The people should take themselves to you. They should bind themselves to the true righteous leader, and this will elevate them and cause their souls to continuously illuminate. (Rabbi Yisroel of Sadigura in K'dushas Aharon)

Ch. 27, v. 20: "Zoch kosis" - Just as oil is extracted from an olive only by beating and crushing it, so too, a person's body only becomes purified by beating and crushing its lusts. (Rabbi Nachamon of Breslav in Toras Noson)

Ch. 27, v. 20: "Kosis lamo'ore" - Rashi comments: "Kosis la'mo'ore v'lo kosis lamnochos." This means that the extraction process required for the purity of oil used for the menorah is not required for the oil used in the flour offerings. This can also be interpreted to mean that when a person beats and crushes his ego so that he should not be haughty, it should only be done to the extent that he makes his soul shine, "la'mo'ore," but not to the point that he becomes depressed and cannot function, "v'lo kosis lamnochos." (Rabbi Moshe Elyokim Brioh of Kozshnitz in Daas Moshe)

Alternatively: Although one is enjoined to admonish his friend if he finds him lacking in his fulfillment of mitzvos, this should only be done to the extent that through the admonishment his friend will likely improve and shine, "kosis lamo'ore." One should not misuse this precept to so strongly admonish his friend that he breaks his spirit and puts him down, "v'lo kosis lamnochos." (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vorka in Siach Sarfei Kodesh)

Ch. 27, v. 21: "Michutz laporoches yaaroch oso Aharon" - Even the person who is distanced from proper observance and thus stands outside the curtain of the Holy Domain, Aharon shall give a feeling of worth, "yaaroch oso Aharon," and draw him close. (Rabbi Aharon of Karlin in Beis Aharon)

Ch. 28, v. 2: "V'osiso vigdei kodesh l'Aharon" - Just as after the sin of Odom and Chavoh Hashem made them garments to correct their sin, so too Moshe should have garments made for the Kohanim to correct the sin of the golden calf. (Rabbi Gershon Chanoch Henoch Leiner of Radzin in Sode Y'shorim)

Ch. 28, v. 8: "V'cheishev afudoso k'maa'seihu" - The thoughts, "v'cheishev," of the one who wears the "eifode" garment are affected by its creator, "k'maa'seihu," as per the rule of "koach hapo'al b'nifal." (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel)

The same concept is used to explain "bo ochicho b'mirmoh" (Breishis 27:35), where Yitzchok told Eisov that Yaakov came with slyness and wrested his blessings from him. Since Yaakov so strongly excelled in the attribute of truth, he could not bring himself to be an Eisov imposter. He therefore put on the clothing of Eisov, which was made by Nimrod, and this enabled him to act in such a manner. "Bo ochicho b'mirmoh," - your brother entered the garments of deceit. (Shomati)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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