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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 27, v. 20: "Kosis lamo'ore l'haalose ner" - Those who have gone through trials and tribulations, "kosis," are more readily able to "elevate" the light of Torah. (Rebbe Reb Dov Ber Magid of Mezeritch)

Ch. 28, v. 3: "V'atoh t'da'beir el kol chachmei leiv asher mi'leisov ruach chochmoh" - Tell in a strong manner, "t'da'beir," to all those who are wise of heart, who have great skills, that they should not become haughty when they see the beautiful silver and gold creations that they have wrought. It is not their own skill. They were, after all, downtrodden slaves in Egypt and had no opportunity to learn to become silver or gold artisans. Rather, it came from Me, "asher mi'leisiv ruach chochmoh." Only when they recognize this will they be able to create items that are "bigdei Aharon l'kadsho l'chahano li," to sanctify Aharon so that he may serve Me properly, and not an avenue for the craftsmen for self aggrandizement. (Chasan Sofer in Shaar Bas Rabim)

Ch. 28, v. 28: "V'yir'k'su es hachoshen .. bifsil" - Hashem, through the medium of the "choshen" responds to the request of the Kohein Godol or the king. The "choshen" is to be secured with a thread. Likewise, when we daven to Hashem and request a kind response, we also wear a "p'sil," a "gartel." (Toras Y'kusi'el)

Ch. 28, v. 28: "V'lo yizach hachoshen mei'al ho'eifode" - The "choshen" represents the heart, as it is placed on the heart (verse 29). The "eifode" alludes to the mouth, as the numerical value of "eifode" is 85 (when spelled without the letter Vov (as in verses 6 and 25), the same as "peh," a mouth. One should make sure to have the two synchronized, "piv v'libo shovim." (Degel Machaneh Efrayim)

Ch. 28, v. 32: "Sofoh yi'h'yeh l'fiv .. k'fi sachro" - Rashi says that shields have a doubled rim at their edges. Just as a shield protects, so too, a double barrier for one's mouth, i.e. great care before one opens his mouth, is a most powerful protection against our greatest enemy, the evil inclination. (Rabbi Sar Sholo-m of Belz)

Ch. 29, v. 13: "Hacheilev hamchasseh es ha'kerev" - The fat, pursuits for the sake of physical indulgence, covers and impedes "kerev," coming close to Hashem. Some people mistakenly believe that you can "have it all," and pursue both a life of indulgence and of spirituality. The gemara Yerushalmi K'subos says that before one prays that the words of Torah should enter his innards, he should pray that sweets and delights should not enter. The two are mutually exclusive. (Rabbi Uziel Meisels in Tiferres Uziel)

Ch. 29, v. 45: "V'shochanti b'soch bnei Yisroel v'ho'yisi lo'hem lEilokim" - From a distance, false gods seem very potent and formidable. Upon close examination their weaknesses and falsehoods are readily discernable. L'havdil a"h, with Hashem the opposite is true. The closer we are to Him, i.e. the more we contemplate His traits, "v'shochanti b'sochom," the more firmly rooted is our belief in Him, "v'ho'yisi lo'hem lEilokim." (Rabbi Henoch of Alexander in Emes miKotzk Titzmach)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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