Chasidic Insights

on the Weekly Parsha

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 6, v. 6: "V'hotzeisi es'chem" - It is easier to take the Jew out of "golus" than "golus" out of the Jew. (Rabbi Yaakov Shimon of Shpetivka in Sifsei T'horim)

Ch. 6, v. 9: "V'lo shomu el Moshe mikotzer ruach" - They were unable to listen to Moshe's words of a promised redemption because of their limited spirituality, "ruchnius." (Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh)

Ch. 6, v. 9: "Mikotzer ruach" - Rashi says that our Patriarch's did not question Hashem's promises even when they did not see their fulfillment. He adds, "chaval al d'avdin v'lo mistakchin," normally translated as "woe that there are those who are gone and no replacement for them is found." A novel interpretation: "Woe that there are those who are gone and the reason for their death is not fathomed by those who remain alive." (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 6, v. 12: "Hein bnei Yisroel lo shomu eilai v'eich yishmo'eini Faroh" - The "kal vochomer" in our verse seems to have a refutation. In verse 6 it says that the bnei Yisroel did not hearken to Moshe's words because of their shortness of spirit and difficult labour. These do not apply to Paroh, so he might listen.

If the leader of the nation does not have the backing of his people, no matter what the reason, he surely cannot convince an adversary. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 6, v. 12: "Hein bnei Yisroel lo shomu eilai v'eich yishmo'eini Faroh" - Moshe used the logic of "kal vochomer." He did this intentionally, to invoke Hashem's characteristic trait of mercy. The 13 exegesic rules of interpreting the Torah correspond to the 13 attributes of Hashem mentioned in Shmos 34:6,7 (see Bnei Yisos'chor, Elul maamar 2, #8). "Kal vochomer," the first of these rules corresponds to the merciful attribute of "Hashem." (Shem miShmuel)

Ch. 6, v. 13: "Va'y'tzav'eim el bnei Yisroel" - And He connected them (as in "tzavsa") to the bnei Yisroel. Only when the nation is strongly connected to Moshe and Aharon are these two leaders able to serve as a conduit for the nation's redemption. (Rabbi Isaac of Kamarna in Heichal Brochoh)

Ch. 6, v. 22: "Misho'eil v'Eltzofon v'Sisri" - Rabbi Avrohom haLevi, a Kabalist who lived in Yerusholayim approximately 500 years ago, in a very spiritual quest while dreaming, asked for the time of the coming of Moshiach. The heavenly response was, "Misho'eil v'Eltzofon v'Sisri." "Mi sho'al," who asked a question that is "Keil tzofon," hidden by Hashem, "v'sisri," and MY hidden secret.

Ch. 7, v. 9: "T'nu LOCHEM mofeis" - Shouldn't Paroh have said, "t'nu LI mofeis"? Paroh said that not only was he not convinced of the sincerity of their words, but that they themselves didn't believe in their mission. You two have to give even yourselves a sign that you are on a G-dly mission. (Ponim Yofos)

Ch. 7, v. 9: "Kach es matcho v'hashleich lifnei Faroh y'hi l'sanin" - Our environment plays a major role in our lives. It influences us tremendously. The staff that Moshe took with him had Hashem's Holy Name inscribed in it. Yet when thrown in front of the evil Paroh it would turn into a snake, the symbol of satan and all that is evil. When it was again in the hand of Moshe it would revert to being the staff once again, replete with all its sanctity. (Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin in Nitzotzei Ohr Meir)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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