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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 47, v. 28: "Va'yichi Yaakov b'eretz Mitzrayim" - Rashi says that this parsha is closed. This means that it is beyond our comprehension to fathom why the Jewish nation in its entirety had to be away from Eretz Yisroel, and not only that, but was exiled to the most depraved land on the face of the earth, and it was specifically there that the nation developed and was prepared to receive the Holy Torah. (Rabbi Tzodok haKohein)

Ch. 48, v. 5: "Efrayim u'Menasheh kiReuvein v'Shimon yi'h'yu li" - The dictum that a complete tribe will never be destroyed applies to each of them. (Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 48, v. 6: "Umolad't'cho asher holad't'cho achar'eihem l'cho yi'h'yu" - Although Efrayim and Menasheh are to me, later generations are not. You can take responsibility for Y'rovom and Yeihu. (Rebbe Reb Bunim in Kol Simchoh)

Ch. 48, v. 19: "Ochiv hakotone yigdal mi'menu" - By diminishing himself, his brother will become greater than he is. (Shaa'rei Simchoh)

Ch. 48, v. 20: "Va'yivoracheim ba'yom hahu" - And he blessed them with "that day," that they should not worry for tomorrow. (Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sasov)

Ch. 48, v. 20: "Leimore y'simcho Elokim k'Efrayim v'chiMenasheh" - The blessing is to say that the children should remain on the level of the previous generation and not go downhill, just as Efrayim and Menasheh were blessed to be like Reuvein and Shimon. (Rabbi Shmuel Bloch)

Ch. 49, v. 1: "Asher yikra es'chem b'acharis ha'yomim" - At the end of days, Moshiach will come "asher yikra," he will HAPPEN, as per the dictum "ein ben Dovid bo ella b'hesech haddas." (Holy Baal Shem Tov)

Alternatively, "That He (Hashem) will CALL you. Acquiring ownership of livestock is accomplished in one of two ways, either by hitting the animal with a stick and it follows the new master, or if he calls it and it complies. Yaakov blessed them with the latter, as the bnei Yisroel will already have grown weary of all the trials and tribulations of the lengthy exile. (Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 49, v. 21: "Hanosein imrei shefer" - Many pledge but do not actually give. One who gives, his original verbal commitment is beautiful. (Rabbi Chaim Brisker)

Ch. 50, v. 4: "Va'yaavru y'mei v'chiso" - By Moshe the verse says "va'yitmu" (Dvorim 34:8). After Moshe died the bnei Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel. Mourning Moshe was completed. After the death of Yaakov the harsh servitude began in earnest. The mourning was not completed. (Sh'eiris Menachem)

Ch. 50, v. 5: "Ovi hishbiani leimore hi'nei onochi meis" - The gemara Nidoh 31 says that the soul that is about to enter the body is sworn to be righteous and not wicked. The gemara Brochos says that the final resort in fighting the evil inclination is to remind it that death (and an accounting of actions) awaits everyone. Thus, "My Father, Hashem, has made me swear to say, 'behold I will die.'" (Nirreh li)

Ch. 50, v. 15: "Lu yis't'meinu Yoseif" - They did not say "pen," lest. They preferred that he hate them and bring retribution upon them in this world, and they would not have to pay for their sin in the world-to-come. (Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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