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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 44, v. 18: "Va'yigash eilov Yehudoh va'yomer BI adoni y'da'ber NOH av'd'cho dovor b'oznei adoni v'AL yichar apcho b'avdecho ki chomocho K'Pharoh" - Rashi says that we can derive from the words "v'al yichar apcho," that Yehudoh told Yoseif that he was about to begin speaking roughly and would likely arouse his ire. If so, our verse should have left out the words BI and NOH, as these are words of appeasement, and as well left out Al from "v'AL yichar," leaving over "v'yichar," as he was expecting to anger Yoseif. Rashi says that the intention of "ki chomocho K'Pharoh" was to compare Yoseif and Paroh to each other in that they each make laws and don't comply with them. If so the letter Kof of "K'Pharoh" seems superfluous, as it is sufficient to say that Paroh is like you. This leaves us with the letters Beis-Yud-Nun-Alef-Alef-Lamed-Kof seemingly extra.

The Yismach Moshe says that he has a tradition handed down from the Holy Baal Shem Tov that when a person feels that he is beginning to anger that he should stem it by reciting the verse in T'hilim 119:9, "Ba'meh Y'za'keh Naar Es Orcho Lishmor Kidvo'recho." Yehudoh sensed that not only was he going to stir up anger in Yoseif, the recipient of his harsh words, but that he too would become angry. This is a most abominable trait as pointed out in the gemara N'dorim 22a. To avoid this he added the extra letters Beis-Yud-Nun-Alef-Alef-Lamed-Kof to his statement, as they are the first letters, in order, of the verse mentioned in T'hilim which helps counter anger. (Baal Shem Tov al haTorah)

Ch. 44, v. 31: "V'horidu avodecho es seivas av'd'cho ovinu b'yogone sh'oloh" - Yehudoh relates to Yoseif that if Binyomin would not be allowed to return to his elderly father, the father would suffer greatly. We know that Binyomin had ten sons before he was brought to Yoseif, as the gemara Sotoh 36b relates (see Rashi 43:30 d.h. "ki") that Binyomin told Yoseif that he named each of his ten sons for a different aspect of Yoseif's being torn away from the rest of the family. If so, why didn't Yehudoh say that Binyomin's absence would cause untold hardship to his ten young children? We see from here that a father cares more for one son, even if he is one of many, than ten sons care for one father. (Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 45, v. 9: "Somani Elokim lo'odone l'chol Mitzroyim" - Do not be afraid to immigrate to Egypt as I have made Hashem the master over all of Egypt. I have educated the masses. (Rabbi Yisroel the Holy Admor of Rizhin)

Ch. 45, v. 24: "Al tir'g'zu ba'dorech" - Yoseif's brothers, in their tremendous concern for their father, wanted to immediately rush post-haste back to their father and deliver the good tidings, thus alleviating him from his anguish of thinking that Yoseif was not alive. Yoseif told them to not rush, but rather, to proceed at a normal pace, since Hashem had proclaimed that Yaakov would miss Yoseif for 22 years, the same amount of time that he was responsible for being away from his parents. This would be fulfilled to the second and no amount of rushing would hurry the process. (The Holy Admor of Kotzk in Amud Ho'emes)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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