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This parsha sheet is being dedicated to my beloved father, Nachman Shimon ben Yehuda Meir Hakohan,Z"L.May it be a merit for his soul.


You shall cut (circumcize) the barriers (foreskin) of your hearts......................................................."(10:16)

Man's heart has a vast capacity to hold and retain. Its potential is almost boundless, either for rightousness or (Chas vesholom ) evil. The choice is ours to discover ways to fill the vacuum for good. Yet there seems to exist barriers that seemingly prevent us from reaching and achieving our spiritual potential fully. The Torah understands this dilema and asks us to somehow cut away (or circumcize) that which prevents us from getting closer to G-d Almighty. There seems to exist a connection between the circumcision of a new born and our own personal circumcision of the heart as brought forth from verse (10:16)...............What is this connection? The Sefer HaChinuch explains circumcision in the following manner: "G-d desired to perfect the character of Israel, and He wished that this perfection be effected by man himself. He did not create man complete and perfect from the womb, in order to hint to man that just as the perfection of his physical form is by his own hand (circumcision), so does it lie within mans means and power to perfect his spiritual form thru his actions.(End of quote)

Yet how does one" circumsize" his heart in order to cultivate fertile ground where spirituality can grow and be nurtured?

Perhapes the answer can be found in Mishlei in verse 2:4-5 as follows: "If you seek (rightousness) like silver..... then you will understand fear of Heaven...............(End of quote)

Man has a multitude of desires, each fighting for attention. One of mans greatest desire is wealth.......If we could only harness this energy and channel it for rightousness, perhapes the barriers (foreskin) that prevents us from fully reaching higher levels of spirituality would dissolve. The energy of our desires are the key to our hearts. Harness this power for good and the results might astound you..........................................have a good Shabbos


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