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I would like to dedicate this Parsha sheet to my beloved uncle, R' Ahron Zvi ben R' Yechiel Mechel Hakohen ,Zecher Lebracha. He honored and respected his father with so much love and care ,that it was inspirational to say the least. May he rest in peace...................

"That you should take of the first of every fruit.............and you should put it in a basket............................(26:2)

The Torah is commanding the Mitzvah of Bikkurim, whereby the first fruits are brought to the Temple and presented to the Priest. This was a joyous event.........................................

I would like to learn the Mitzvah of Bikkurim in a symbolic manner, Bezrat Hashem.This is an original Torah thought ..............................................In Jeremiah 2:3, it states the following , "Holy is Israel to Hashem, the first fruits of His produce." The Nation Of Israel is compared to G-ds "First Fruits"................................This is how precious the Jewish people are to G-d.Based on Jeremiah 2:3, it seems that there exists a connection between The Mitzvah of Bikkurim and The Jewish People since both are refered to as the "First Fruits". Therefore, symbolically speaking when a Jew offers his "Bikkurim" to the Priest, he is actually offering himself to Hashem. How so?????? The basket which holds the fruit represents ourselves. We must all firstly make ourselves into "baskets" that are capable of retaining fruit or produce. The fruit represents the Torah and Mitzvahs that we work so hard to produce. When we combine the basket with the fruit, this is how we want to be, full of Torah and Mitzvot. Nobody wants to be , G-d forbid, an empty basket devoid of Good deeds. Therefore, when a person sees the basket overflowing with "First fruit", it should remind him of how he wants to appear before Hashem. After 120 years, every soul is returned to their "Father in Heaven", do we want to be presented before Hashem like a Bikkurim basket full of fruit, or empty (Chos Vesholom)? I would venture to say full and overflowing with Good deeds.................. Perhapes this is what Bikkurim is all about, namely a wake up call that reminds us of our true purpose is in this world.... Let us constantly produce "First Fruit" that are atleast worth offering as Bikkurim before Hashem..........Have a good Shabbos...................................................................


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