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I would like to ,bezrat Hashem, dedicate this weeks sheet to my beloved uncle, Ahron Zvi ben Yechiel Mechel HaKohen, zecher Lebrachoh. He was a kind and compassionate person and pursued peace..............May he rest in peace....................................................................

"Remember what Hashem , your G-d, did to Miriam on the way, when they (Israel) were leaving Egypt" (24:9)

A question can be asked, why did the Torah have to tell us, "on the way, when they were leaving Egypt"?What difference does it make where the incident took place? The main thing is to remember to keep away from melicious gossip.......... The answer perhapes is as follows, Bezrat Hashem...............The land of Egypt represents the concept of slavery, namely spiritual stagnation. A person can at times be enslaved by "bad habits" that can stunt spiritual growth. Melicious gossip is such a habit.........Some people are so accustomed to finding fault in others, that negative comments happen automatically without thought or consideration to the potential harm these words can afflict..... Therefore, every person must find ways to rid themselves of these "bad habits" so that spiritual growth can be stimulated. When the Torah emphasizes the leaving of Egypt in reference to remembering Miriams punishment, it is in essence telling us to depart from our own personal spiritual deterents, as represented by Egypt (slavery).....We must all be on the road out of Egypt, so that we can fully grow spiritually, and achieve great spiritual heights......This is especially true when it comes to "loshon hara" (melicious gossip)...........................Have a good Shabbos......................


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