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"These are the generations of Noach; Noach was a rightous and wholehearted man.........

Rashi comments that since Noachs children werent mentioned immediately, but the verse instead mentions Noachs rightousness, it teaches us that a rightousmans main offspring is his good deeds........refer to Rashi........

A question can be asked: How (or why) are good deeds compared to the rearing of children ? The answer perhapes is as follows: It takes a tremendous amount of caring and nurturing to raise a child. When parents are observed, it becomes apparent that child rearing is the ultimate example of selfless giving............However, just like children require nurturing, so to the performance of good deeds require nurturing as well. Consider well the following example; when a poor man askes for charity, is the charity being given with a smile or a frown.............?

There is a world of difference between these two acts.........Nurturing good deeds require a person to carefully consider the proper way good deeds should be performed, namely with the same care and love a child is raised.........The "nochus" (joy) given to G_D through the performance of good deeds properly should never be less than the "nochus" we expect or desire from our own chilren.........Good deeds nurtured well is indeed a glorious sight............
Have a good Shabbos...........


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