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"And Cush begot Nimrod.......................He (Nimrod) was a mighty hunter before G-d...................(10:8-9)

Rashi comments concerning the description of Nimrod as a mighty hunter to mean the following: " He (Nimrod) captures the minds of men, and leads them astray to rebel against G-d."

There are individuals that are given the gift of being able to influence others . Nimrod was such a person, yet chose to misuse his power to influence others in a most dastardly manner.The Torah uses the description of a "mighty hunter" to describe Nimrod. This was surely done for a reason.......... A great hunter must understand the psychology and the natural tendencies of his prey , and thus be able to use this knowledge to seduce his prey into a mortal trap. Nimrod understood human nature very well, and used this knowledge to cause others to rebel against G-d, as stated in Rashi. This was very destructive indeed........................Nimrod had a choice as how to facilitate his ability to influence, and chose the path of going against G-d.However, we must do the opposite of Nimrod....................We must choose to bring people closer to G-d as Abraham has demonstrated. As our Rabbis have taught in Sifrei (Deuteronomy 6:5) as follows: "And you shall love G-d"----------------meaning make Him beloved by men.(END OF QUOTE) This is an intrinsic part of the Mitzvah to love G-d...............Its not enough that we alone may love G-d, we must cause others to love Him as well.This is precisely how we express our love.............................................Even if our ability to influence is small in comparison to another, we can still do what we can no matter how small. Nimrod could have been great by bringing the world closer to G-d, yet pursued a path contrary to this goal. However, we can collectively rectify Nimrods lost opportunity by slowly and consistantly bringing others to discover G-d. It must be done wisely and correctly. Little by little we can be an influence for good in the world............But we must be carefull that in the process we do not turn anyone astray,chos vesholom. It therefore must be done wisely as a great "hunter" would..........Have a good Shabbos................................................................


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