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"And this is the blessing that Moses............................"(33:1)

Before Moses died, he had bestowed upon each of the 12 tribes of Israel a blessing specifically suited for that particular tribe. We find that the Torah uses a language of "this" (In Hebrew its -"Zot") as seen in verse 33:1. This language has a demonstrative connotation.This is readily seen from Shamos 12:2, when G-d pointed out to Moses how to count the months from the new moon.

There it uses the same language of "this" (In Hebrew -"Za"). According to Rashi, G-d actually demonstrated to Moses the positions of the new moon. (Please refer to Rashi for further details.) Therefore, what is the Torah trying to demonstrate to us now when it opens with the words "this" as a prelude to Moses' blessings? I would like to, Bezrat Hashem, answer this question with an original answer as follows: The Torah is actually providing us with an antidote to the ills of jealousy. How so? Each tribe received a specific blessing from Moses. This meant that each tribe had its own unique function and purpose in respect to its fellow tribe. The tribe of Judah had no reason to envy the tribe of Yissachur. This would be foolish, and a waste of precious time and resources.Therefore, when the Torah used the language of "this----Zot", it was demonstrating to us how a person should live his or her life without jealousy just as each and every tribe was content and satisfied with there own specific blessing and lot . We must realize that we too as well have a unique soul and purpose in life distinct from our fellows, so why be jealous ? The Torah is actually pointing to the tribes as examples for us. Please do not waste time envying others, when we could use that energy to improve ourselves in all aspects of our spiritual lives. Realize that G-d created you unique with all that you possibly could need to succeed. This should bring a person tremendous joy, and an enthusiasm in one's service to Hashem. Have a good Shabbos...


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