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Simcha Groffman

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Kinder Torah ©
For parents to share with children at the Shabbos Table

Parshas Chukas

I Want To Speak To The Boss

"Young man, can I help you?"

"Yes sir, I would like to speak to the boss, if I may."

"Is there something that I can help you with?"

Thank you for your offer, but no. It is a private matter which is very important."

"Very well, young man. The office of the store manager is in the back. I will take you there."

The boy knocks softly on the door. A voice on the other side replies.

"Yes, come in please."

"Excuse me, Mr. Manager. I'm very sorry to disturb you. I have a very important matter to discuss with the boss."

"I'll be frank with you, young man. I am just the manager of this store. It is one of several chain stores in this city. The main office is downtown. You will find the boss there."

"I see, sir. Okay. I will go downtown. Thank you for your time."

"My pleasure, young man."

The boy gets the address of the main office and the bus directions from the salesman. He gets on the bus, and in no time arrives downtown at the main office.

"Yes, young man, may I help you?" asks the receptionist.

"Yes ma'am. I would like to speak to the boss of all the chain stores."

The receptionist is a little surprised by the request.

"Young man, the boss is a very busy man. He has meetings and appointments all day. People do not usually walk in to speak to him without prior arrangements."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize that. However, this is an important matter."

The receptionist senses the boy's sincerity.

"Just a minute. Perhaps I can squeeze you in between appointments."

She calls the boss's secretary, explaining the unusual request.

"Yes? Ten minutes? Thank you very much. Young man, you may go in to see the boss in ten minutes. Just take that elevator up to the twenty seventh floor."

"Thank you very much, ma'am."

The boy takes the elevator and finds the boss's secretary. In exactly ten minutes, he is ushered in to the office. He sees the boss sitting behind a huge wooden desk.

"Yes, young man. How can I help you?"

"Thank you for seeing me sir. I have an important monetary matter to discuss with you. It concerns some neighbors of mine."

"Go ahead young man."

"There is a poor family on my street. They do not have enough money to buy all of the food that they need. One of your stores is right on the corner. Perhaps the store could provide them with two loaves of bread and two liters of milk every day?"

The CEO's heart is warmed by the boy's sincerity. He smiles warmly, strokes his beard, and adjusts his kippa.

"The truth is, young man, the company does not give me the authority to grant such a request. Our chain of stores is owned by an international conglomerate. The main office is overseas.

The boy's face fell.

"Sir, why is it so difficult to speak to the boss?"

"Young man, I am going to grant you your request myself. Here is my own personal check with enough money for bread, milk, chicken and vegetables for a month. Just give me your address, and I will mail a check every month to take care of this family. There is just one condition."

"What is that sir?"

"You must come with me now on a short trip."


The CEO puts on his hat and jacket and heads for the elevator. All of the employees greet him as he exits the building with the young boy. They walk to the end of the block, make a left turn, and come to a Beit Kinesset. The boss opens the door, and they walk inside.

"Young man, you asked me why it is so difficult to speak to the boss. It is really not difficult at all. The True Boss is the Almighty King of Kings. We are all just His servants and messengers here on earth. Whenever you have a request, speak to Him directly. He is always happy to hear from you."

"You are very clever, sir."

"Hashem heard the voice of Israel . . ." (Bamidbar 21:3). The Jewish people had prayed to Hashem asking for a victory over the Canaanite king of Arad. He answered their prayers, delivering the enemy into their hands. Hashem wants our prayers. He wants us to turn to Him with all of our requests. He is the Ultimate Boss of the universe. He has many ways to grant our requests. We just need to sincerely ask.

Kinderlach . . .

We pray three times a day. It is easy to fall into a bad habit and forget that we are speaking to Hashem. The Mishna in Pirkei Avos (2:13) warns against this. "Rebbe Shimon says, 'Be careful when you recite Kriyas Shema and pray. Do not allow your prayers to become routine, but appeal for mercy and favor before Hashem.'" Kinderlach, remember Who you are speaking to. As you take three steps forward before you begin the Amida, imaging that you are walking down a corridor through a doorway. On the other side is the Shechina (Divine Presence). Your prayers will be completely different. May Hashem fulfill all of your wishes for the good.

Parasha Questions:

· Which people became tomei from the preparation of the Parah Adumah and the sprinkling of the Mei Nidda? (19:7,8,10,21)

· Why did Paroh throw the boys into the river? (Rashi 20:13)

· The Annanei HaKovod flattened all of the mountains in the desert except for . . . (Rashi 20:22)

· Who cried after Aharon's death and why? (Rashi 20:29)

· Why were there so many wars after Aharon died? (Rashi 21:1)

Kinder Torah Copyright 2003 All rights reserved to the author Simcha Groffman

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