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Hashem spoke to Moshe, saying. "Take the staff and gather together the assembly, you and Aharon your brother, and speak to the rock before their eyes that it shall give its waters. You shall bring forth for them water from the rock and give drink to the assembly and to their animals" (Bemidbar 20:7-8).

Rashi quotes the words of the Sages who comment that we see from this passage that Hashem has regard for the possessions of Israel.

Often, when one helps another escape a tragedy, he focuses on the most important matters while losing sight of the less important ones. If, G-d forbid, a fire is raging in a neighbor's home, in the middle of the night; everyone will rush to save the children, the elderly and the disabled, who might die. But they might forget to try to save their friend's worldly possessions too; since they lose all value when human lives are at stake.

Similarly, if someone is dying of thirst in the desert; one may exert himself to bring him water so that he does not perish, but he may forget to brink drinks for his animals too.

But Hashem is not like that. When he instructed Moshe to provide the Jews with water in the desert, He remembered that their animals have to drink too and He had regard for them and took them into consideration.

And Hashem wants us to go in His ways. Although we may be dealing with things of primary importance, we should never lose sight of secondary matters and we should always attempt to deal with them too, if possible.

Reb Aharon Kotler ztvk"l came to the USA in turbulent times, in the midst of the Holocaust Era. He immediately became involved in efforts to rescue the remainder of Jewry from the Nazi beasts. At the same time, he had to turn the spiritual wasteland of America into a vibrant Torah community; a formidable task to say the very least. Although he worked around the clock for the Klal (the community); he never neglected the individual.

In the fantastic Feldheim book, "The Legacy of Maran Rav Aharon Kotler," Rabbi Yitzchok Dershowitz records a note written by the daughter of Reb Aharon ztvk"l: "It is important to point out to Harav Sorasky [who was preparing a section on Reb Aharon in his book on Torah leaders] that despite all of Father's manifold activities for Torah and Klal Yisroel, he never stopped for even a day his efforts on behalf of individuals. This included Gemilus Chassodim for family matters, Hatzolah (rescue) in material matters and in spiritual matters, literally day and night."

As one example amongst many thousands, he relates a story told by Rabbi Luria to Rabbi Kaufman.

"I once had a problem and decided to discuss it with Reb Aharon. I asked and found out that it is possible to speak to him, but that I should make an appointment. I called the house [in Brooklyn] and his Rebbetzin told me to come on Monday, but suggested that I call before I come.

"I called six o'clock p.m. and the Rebbetzin told me to please call back at eight o'clock; hopefully by then the Rosh Yeshiva would be home. I hesitated to call then - it was a bit late, but the Rebbetzin encouraged me to call. At eight o'clock Reb Aharon was still not in so his Rebbetzin told me to call back again at eleven o'clock. I couldn't do it - it was just too late - but the Rebbetzin again encouraged me, till I agreed to call.

"At eleven o'clock I called again and this time Reb Aharon himself answered. I asked when I could meet with the Rosh Yeshiva. The Rosh Yeshiva told me to come now. I was very hesitant. It was already late and by the time I would finish it would be much later. The Rosh Yeshiva said to me, 'Mein lieber frient - my beloved friend (the Rosh Yeshiva of course had never met the man.) If you called, then you have some difficulty. I'm going to the Yeshiva tomorrow (in Lakewood, New Jersey) - if you wait, you won't be able to see me till next week. Come now.'"

Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Jerusalem, Israel