Directions for viewing Hebrew on your browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0+ users - click here
Netscape Navigator 3.0+ users - click here

Microsoft Explorer 3.0+ users:

1. To use Semi-Logical Hebrew Support, you need:
2.1. Windows 95 with Hebrew support.
2.2. Enter a WWW site that was build using Semi-Logical
2.3. No installation needed in the browser.


Netscape Navigator 3.0+ users:

1. To use Semi-Logical Hebrew Support, you need:
1.1. Windows 95 or Windows 3.11 with Hebrew support.
1.2. Enter a WWW site that was build using Semi-Logical
1.3. Windows 3.11 users need not do anything.
1.4. Windows 95 users must set the browser default
fonts to "david", as follows:
1.4.1. Enter "Options/General Preferences" menu.
1.4.2. Set the fields values as in the following

1.4.3. Enter "Options/Document Encoding" menu.
1.4.4. Select "Western".