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Chulin, 85
1) "CHAYAH V'OF HA'NISKALIM" QUESTION: In the Mishnah, Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim argue whether or not one must perform Kisuy ha'Dam for the blood of a Chayah or bird that was Chayav Sekilah ("Chayah v'Of ha'Niskalim") but was slaughtered before being killed with Sekilah.2) HALACHAH: "SHECHITAH SHE'EINAH RE'UYAH" WITH REGARD TO "OSO V'ES BENO" AND "KISUY HA'DAM" The Gemara discusses the Machlokes between Rebbi Meir and Rebbi Shimon regarding whether a Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah is considered a valid Shechitah with regard to Kisuy ha'Dam and the Isur of "Oso v'Es Beno." What is the Halachah?(a) With regard to "Oso v'Es Beno," the SHACH (YD 16:18) rules that when an animal was slaughtered and found to be a Tereifah, it is still forbidden to slaughter that animal's child (or mother). This is in accordance with the view that a Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah is considered a valid Shechitah. 85b3) THE NINE-MONTH-OLD FETUS OF A "TEREIFAH"QUESTION: Rebbi Aba says that Rebbi Meir, who maintains that a Shechitah she'Einah Re'uyah is a valid Shechitah with regard to Kisuy ha'Dam and "Oso v'Es Beno," agrees that it is not a valid Shechitah with regard to permitting the meat to be eaten. The Gemara asks that it is obvious that the Shechitah of a Tereifah animal does not permit the meat. The Gemara answers that Rebbi Aba means that the Shechitah of a Tereifah does not permit a live, nine-month-old fetus found inside of it. The fetus needs its own Shechitah in order to be permitted.4) AN ANIMAL THAT "WAS A TEREIFAH" AND AN ANIMAL THAT "WAS FOUND TO BE A TEREIFAH" QUESTION: The Beraisa states that when one slaughters an animal of Chulin in the Azarah that "is [known to be] a Tereifah, or that is found [after Shechitah] to be a Tereifah," it is permitted to derive benefit from the animal according to Rebbi Shimon, and it is prohibited according to the Chachamim.5) THE REQUIREMENT OF "KISUY HA'DAM" WHEN THE ANIMAL IS SLAUGHTERED IN ORDER TO USE ITS BLOOD QUESTION: The Gemara records an incident in which a flax-eating worm fell into Rebbi Chiya's soaking flax. Rebbi suggested that he slaughter a bird over the soaking flax, since blood is a natural pesticide and would drive away the worm. The Gemara asks that this would not solve the problem, because the blood needs to be covered with earth and it cannot be poured directly into water. The Gemara suggests that Rebbi's suggestion was either to do Nechirah, or make the bird a Tereifah before the Shechitah.Next daf