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prepared by Rabbi Eliezer Chrysler
Kollel Iyun Hadaf, Jerusalem

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Chulin 45

CHULIN 45 (Purim d'Mukafim) - sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Shalom Kelman of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. May Hashem bless them with long years filled with Torah, Chidushei Torah, and Nachas!


(a) What does Rav Yehudah Amar Rav say about many tiny holes on the circumference of the Gargeres resembling a sieve?

(b) Rav Yirmiyah queries Rav Yehudah from a Beraisa which discusses the Shiur of holes of a skull.
What is the Shiur of a hole in a skull that renders the skull unable to be Metamei be'Ohel ha'Meis?

(c) What Shi'ur does the Tana now give if ...

  1. ... the hole is elongated instead of round?
  2. ... there are many small holes?
(d) How is this a Kashya on Rav Yehudah?
(a) Rav Yirmiyah it seems, forgot what Rebbi Chelbo ... Amar Rav said.
What did Rebbi Chelbo say to distinguish between holes with a Chesaron (flesh missing) and holes without a Chesaron?

(b) So why is his Kashya on Rav Yehudah not really a Kashya at all?

(c) What does Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi say about a thin strip of flesh that has been removed from the length of the Gargeres?

(d) Rebbi Yitzchal bar Nachmeni asked Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi what the Din will be if the Gargeres was punctured like a sieve round the circumference. What did the latter reply?

(a) What Shi'ur did Rebbi Yitzchak bar Nachmeni give with regard to the equivalent case (Nikvah ke'Nafah) by a bird?

(b) What Si'man did Rav Papa give by which to remember that this is the Shi'ur (and not that of an Isar or of Rov)?

(a) And what Shi'ur does Rav ...
  1. ... Nachman give in a case where the Kaneh is cut on three sides in the form of a door? Why is the Din here more lenient than a case of a hole with a Chesaron?
  2. ... give in a case where the Kaneh is split lengthwise? What does 'Chulya' mean?
(b) Why is the Halachah more lenient when the split is lengthwise than when it is widthwise?

(c) What objection did Rebbi Yochanan raise to Rav's ruling? How does he say?

(d) What was his reaction when they told him that Rebbi Yonasan said what he had said?

(a) Rebbi Chiya bar Yosef quoting a Beraisa in front of Rebbi Yochanan, gave the location of Shechitah as from the Taba'as ha'Gedolah right down to the lower lobe of the lung.
Why is this ruling not Halachah?

(b) How does Rava explain 'lower' in this case?

(c) Does this constitute the end of the Kaneh?

(a) Why does Rava explain 'lower' in this way (and not when one is holding the Kaneh in one's hand)?

(b) What does he warn the Shochet not to do?

(c) What does he say about the part of the Kaneh that is exposed when the animal stretches in order to graze where it could not otherwise reach?

(d) What conclusion do Rebbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish between them arrive at regarding ...

  1. ... a case where the Shochet stretches the Kaneh before Shechitah?
  2. ... the Shi'ur Tereifus regarding a hole in the area of the Kaneh beyondthe chest?
(a) A Beraisa defining the Chazah (the chest), gives as the lowest part, the section that 'sees the ground'. One extremity is the neck; what is the other?

(b) What are the ramifications of this definition?

(c) What must one do before giving it to the Kohen?

(a) Rav and Shmuel both confine Nikav K'rum shel Mo'ach (which our Mishnah lists as Tereifah), to the upper membrane (that is attached to the inside of the skull), even though the soft, lower membrane is still whole.
What do others say?

(b) What Si'man does Rav Shmuel bar Nachmeni give to remind us that the lower membrane exists, even though it is extremely thin?

(c) Bearing this in mind, what example did Rabah bar bar Chanah Amar Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi present as a means of comparison?

(d) What is the major distinction between the two membranes of the brain and the two membranes of the testicles?

(a) What is the difference between the Shi'ur?

(b) How does Rebbi Shimon ben Pazi ... in the name of bar Kaparah, define the border between the two?

(c) Why does Rebbi Yitzchak bar Nachmeni quoting Rebbi Yehoshua ban Levi, then cite the two glands that divides between the brain and the spinal cord?

(d) He is not at first sure to which of the two the actual glands pertain. What does he conclude? On what does he base his onclusion?

(e) What did Rebbi Yirmiyah discover when (presumably for the first time) he examined a bird?

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(a) Our Mishnah includes a hole in the heart that reaches the cavity. Abaye tries to resolve Rebbi Zeira's She'eilah whether this refers to the large cavity or to one of the smaller cavities, from a statement by Rabah bar Tachlifa ... Amar Rav.
What did Rabah bar Tachlifa say regarding Rebbi Shimon's ruling in our Mishnah 'ad she'Tinakev (ha'Rei'ah) le'Beis ha'Simponos'?

(b) Based on the different Leshonos employed by the Mishnah, on what grounds does Rebbi Zeira refute Abaye's proof?

(c) Rav renders an animal with the smallest hole in the 'Kaneh ha'Leiv' a Tereifah.
What does Shmuel say?

(d) Rabah bar Yitzchak Amar Rav interprets Kaneh ha'Leiv as the Cheilev on the walls.
Why can this not refer to the sides of the animal?

(e) Then what does it refer to?

(a) Ameimar citing Rav Nachman lists three such Kanim that branch off from the Kaneh after it enters the chest area. One of them runs into the heart, another into the lungs.
Where does the third one run into?

(b) We just learned that Rav and Shmuel argue over the Shi'ur Tereifus of a hole in the Kaneh ha'Leiv.
What is the difference between the Shi'ur Tereifus of a hole in the Kaneh ha'Rei'ah and that of a hole in the Kaneh ha'Kaved, according to...

  1. ... the first Lashon?
  2. ... the second Lashon?
(c) What proof do we have that the Halachah is like the first Lashon?
(a) What was Shmuel's reaction when they first told him of Rav's ruling regarding a hole in the Kaneh ha'Leiv? How come that Shmuel had been previously unaware of Rav's opinion?

(b) According to some texts, Shmuel referred to Rav as 'Aba Chaveri' (in which case, Aba was Rav's name).
Why did Shmuel refer to him by that name, according to the version that reads just 'Aba'?

(a) Rebbi in a Beraisa, gives the Shi'ur Tereifus of the Chut ha'Shedrah as 'Nifsak be'Rubo'.
What does Rebbi Ya'akov say?

(b) What did Rebbi rule when an animal was brought before him with a spinal cord that had a hole in it?

(c) How does Rav Huna rule?

(a) Rav Huna interprets 'Rubo' as Rov Oro (the majority of the circumference of the skin).
What do others say?

(b) What does ...

  1. ... the second opinion say about Rov Oro?
  2. ... the first opinion say about Rov Mocho?
(c) What did Rav Nasan bar Avin comment when he saw Rav check first for Rov Oro and then, when he found the skin intact, for Rov Mocho?
(a) Rabah bar bar Chanah Amar Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi declares an animal whose spinal cord is either Nismarech or Nismasmes, Tereifah.
What is ...
  1. ... 'Nismarech'?
  2. ... 'Nismasmes'?
(b) Why does Rabah bar bar Chanah not just present the case of Nismasmes, and allow us to extrapolate Mismarech from a 'Kal va'Chomer'?

(c) Rebbi Yirmiyah asks about an animal with a heavy spinal cord, and remains with a 'Teiku'.
What is his She'eilah?

(d) To which category of Tereifus do the current cases belong (assuming that they are Tereifah)?

(a) Bei Rav say 'Nismasmes Pasul, Nismazmez Kasher'.
What does 'Nismazmez' mean?

(b) Why do Bei Rav need to repeat 'Nismasmes Pasul'?

(c) How do Bei Rav amend the Beraisa ''Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar Omer Nismazmez Mochah Tereifah'?

(a) What did Levi comment when he saw someone bang his head violently in the bathhouse?

(b) If according to Bei Rav, he did not mean that the man was Tereifah, what did he mean?

(c) How for does the spinal cord extend?

(d) Rav Yehudah Amar Shmuel explains that the Din Tereifus applies up to the Bein ha'Parshos.
What are the 'Bein ha'Parshos'?

(e) Where do the first 'Pitzulin' branch off to?

(a) When Rav Dimi bar Yitzchak brought Rav Yehudah a fat goat (Shechted and cut open) to demonstrate where Bein ha'Parshos was, he was unable to do so.
Why was that? Why would he have had no problem had the goat been a little thinner?

(b) Why did Rav Yehudah not simply cut the animal open and show Rav Dimi what he needed to know on the inside?

(c) What did Rav Dimi bar Yitzchak then do?

(d) What problem did Rav Yehudah still have in showing him the Beis ha'Parshos?

(a) So he taught him the principle 'ad Achas, Tereifah, Shelishis, Tereifah ... '. What did he mean?

(b) What did he finally say about 'Sheniyah'?

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