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Nidah 69

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Rashi 69a DH Tamnei l'Nidah:
The words "*uv'Chol* Yom ha'Shabos"
should be "*v'Chol* Yom ha'Shabos"

[2] Rashi 69b DH v'Tamnei:
The words "b'Shabos Gufa *Asai*"
should be "b'Shabos Gufa *d'Asai*"

[3] Rashi 69b DH b'Leilevasa:
The words "Tamnei l'Nidah" are a new Dibur

[4] Rashi 69b DH Chad Yoma and DH Eima:
The words "Tevilos *di'Shevi'i* ... *v'Yom 7*"
should be "Tevilos *di'Shemini* ... *v'Yom 8*" (RASHASH)

*1*) [line 11] BA'SHELISHI SHELAH - on her third day of seeing blood
2) [line 15] K'KUTAEI - like the Kusim (Samaritans)

3) [line 23] MEISIV REBBI YOSI B'REBBI CHANINA, "TO'AH" - Rebbi Yosi b'Rebbi Chanina asked a question from the case of the confused woman. It appears in its entirety on Daf 29b-30a. She was pregnant when she left, but returned without a child and not pregnant anymore. Since she arrived, three weeks passed in which she saw no blood. For the next ten weeks (4-13), she bled during the even-numbered weeks and not at all during the odd-numbered weeks. She does not know what happened to her before she arrived, and as a result must keep many laws of immersions and separations from her husband.

4) [line 25] SEFURIN LEFANEINU - days which she knows to be bloodless, and not days upon which she is not certain if she saw blood

5) [line 32] HAI DINA D'LO DINA, DAINEI B'GALCHEI - this kind of unjust ruling is the type of ruling common to the city of Galchei (Sedom - ARUCH)

6) [line 34] NACHSINHU - he slaughtered them
7) [line 35] MASHCHA - hide


8) [line 21] AD SHE'YIMOK HA'BASAR - until decay has set in to the flesh

9) [line 27] EVEN MESAMA

(a) RASHI (55a) explains that Even Mesama is a stone that is too heavy to move. The Nidah is on the stone and the stone is resting on clothing or utensils that become Tamei.
(b) TOSFOS (55a) quoting RASHI (Shabbos 82b) explains that it is a stone that is set up on poles or supports, such that the clothing or utensils underneath it do not touch it.
(c) TOSFOS (55a), quoting RABEINU TAM and RABEINU SHMUEL, hold that it is a stone that is so heavy that there is no recognizable pressure on the clothing or utensils under it due to the Nidah who is on it.
10) [line 27] "V'HEISAYIS EVEN CHADA, V'SUMAS AL PUM GUBA" - "And a stone was brought and placed on the opening of the pit (lion's den)" (Daniel 6:18)

11) [line 29] YIS'ALFAH - (O.F. pasmer) to faint
12) [line 37] BURUS - nonsense
13) [line 40] BAS MESHULACHAS It is forbidden for any Jew to remarry his wife after divorcing her, if she got married to someone else in the interim. If he did remarry her, their daughter is called Bas Meshulachas, and she is permitted to marry a Kohen. The Pasuk brought as proof that she is permitted is "Lo Yuchal Ba'alah ha'Rishon Asher Shilecha, Lashuv l'Kachtah ... Ki SO'EVAH Hi ..." (Devarim 24:4). The mother alone is restricted. (SEFER HA'CHINUCH #580)

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