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Although more Jews are imprisoned in the U.S. than everywhere else combined, JPSI is a worldwide organization that is seeking assistance and representation globally.

It shall be the purpose of Jewish Prisoner Services International to:

  • Provide an international network for individuals and organizations serving Jewish prisoners and their families;
  • Share information and resources;
  • Raise the consciousness of Jewish communities about the issue of Jews in prison;
  • Encourage the participation of other individuals and groups, and support and reinforce their efforts;
  • Make Jewish educational, religious, cultural and spiritual resources available to prisoners;
  • Formulate guidelines of service to Jewish inmates and their families before, during and after incarceration.

JPSI is not a direct provider of financial assistance.

JPSI is not a direct provider of legal services.

JPSI functions as a resource center, clearinghouse, referral agency and conduit of information and assistance.

[Approved unanimously January 9, 1989, at the Second International Conference on Service to Jews in Prison, Washington, D.C.; Amended May 23, 1994, at the seventh conference of the International Coalition for Jewish Prisoner Services, now known as Jewish Prisoner Services International.]


Potentials and possibilities for participation in prison programs are numerous and varied. 

As prison and jail populations continue to explode, more and more Jewish prisoners and their families are in need of JPSI’s chaplaincy services, which include: Visitation, Counseling, Religious Rights Advocacy, Religious Materials/Judaica Supply, Religious Education, Religious Holiday Programs, Anti-Missionary Assistance, Family Assistance, Marriage Enrichment Seminars, Newsletters, Video/Audio Library, Pen Pals, Correctional Staff Training, Post-Release Assistance, Community Liaison, etc. 

JPSI particularly needs your help with the following:

Pen Pals - You can write to a lonely Jewish prisoner. JPSI will match you with and instruct you about corresponding with one (or more) of hundreds of Jewish prisoners currently on an international pen pal waiting list.

Religious Materials/Judaica - New or used Torahs, prayerbooks, Jewish educational materials, other religious items and holiday supplies are always needed. As an approved prison program, JPSI will send these items on your behalf to Jewish prisoners.

Visits - Individually or with others, you can visit imprisoned Jews in your area on a regular or occasional basis. JPSI will sponsor you and instruct you about visitation programs.

Families - In person or anonymously, you can assist a Jewish prisoner’s family while their loved one is incarcerated. JPSI will instruct you and connect you with one of many such families.

Mentors - You can help to guide a Jewish man or woman through the difficult post-release period toward a successful transition into the community. JPSI will instruct you and connect you with a Jewish prisoner prior to his or her release.

Ideas - Nobody in the corrections field has all the answers and your idea could lead to a new program. JPSI is always looking for input from the community.

Contributions - Even if you are unable to do something in person, your tax-deductible contribution will help defray JPSI’s numerous expenses.

To get started with any of the above, please contact the JPSI office or fill out the form.