Statement from the Gedolim

The women in the generation of the Mishkan had a special talent. They spun weak individual fibers together to form strong rope-strands. From these strands, strong fabric as woven which was used to create the Mishkan from where Hashem's blessings and protection emanated. (Exodus 35:25).

We have recently witnessed many frightening and painful events. Tragedy and illness and personal pain have unfortunately become everyday occurrences in our community. These occurrences must move us to Cheshbon HaNefesh, spiritual repentance, and a recommitment to the principles of Chesed, Emes, Ahavas Yisrael, and our obligations toward one another. We will then hope to merit Hashem's blessings and protection as a united and sacred community. The time has come for Jewish women to join and gather together in Tfilla and Tachanunim to ask Hashem Yisborach to fill our hearts with mutual love and improve our behavior with noble deeds of kindness and generosity. In this spirit, we hope to encourage each other to set aside a few minutes each day to learn the proper practice of the Torah commandment to "Love Your Neighbor" as taught by the Chofetz Chaim and other gedolim.

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