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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 1, v. 1: "Va'y'da'beir Hashem el Moshe bmidbar Sinai" - Hashem communicated with Moshe in a vast desolate desert. This teaches us that even if a person is empty of Torah, just as a desert is empty, he can still reach the level of having Hashem Communicate with him. (Rabbi Naftoli of Ropschitz in Zera Kodesh)

Ch. 1, v. 1: "B'Ohel Mo'eid .. l'tzeisom mei'eretz Mitrayim" - The bne Yisroel were rewarded with Hashem's Holy Spirit appearing in Ohel Mo'eid because of their total faith in Hashem's sustaining them in the uninhabitable desert, "l'tzeisom mei'eretz Mitrayim." (Rabbi Avrohom Dov of Avrutch in Bas Ayin)

Ch. 1, v. 1: "L'tzeisom mei'eretz Mitrayim" - Even though it was totally Hashem's doing that brought the bnei Yisroel out of Egypt, nevertheless, the Torah considers it as if the merit to leave was that of the bnei Yisroel. (Rabbi Elimelech of Grodzshisk in Imrei Elimelech)

Perhaps it was indeed through their merit, as Hashem told Moshe that their exodus hinged upon their accepting the Torah in the future. We find that accepting the yoke of the Torah is considered as if it were already done in the story of Reish Lokish accepting to fulfill the Torah, where there was an immediate effect of his being weakened physically even before he actually started studying Torah (gemara B.M. 84a).

Ch. 1, v. 1: "L'tzeisom mei'eretz Mitrayim" - Rashi says that Hashem counted the bnei Yisroel numerous times. this indicates that they are very beloved to Hashem. They are not only beloved as a group, but each and every one is uniquely beloved, hence the population count. Each person has a unique task in serving Hashem. (Rabbi Yitzchok Yaakov of Biala in Divrei Vinoh)

Rashi enumerates the countings: When they left Egypt - When they fell by the sin of the golden calf - When Hashem rested His Holy Presence upon them. These three times where when they left the stage of impurity and entered into a stage of purity, when they fell because of sin and a counting gave those who remained fortitude, so that they should not fall into despondency. The most important and lofty counting was when Hashem was ready to rest His Holy Presence upon them. (Rabbi Moshe of Ozsherov in B'eir Moshe)

Ch. 1, v. 2: "S'u es rosh kol adas bnei Yisroel" - By counting them, the bnei Yisroel have the status of "dovor shebminyan, an item that is counted by single units. This will help them to avoid becoming nullified within the multitudes of people with whom they come into contact, as per the rule, "kol dovor shebminyan eino bo'teil" (gemara Beitzoh 3b). (Chidushei Hori"m in Sifsei Tzadik)

Ch. 1, v. 2: "S'u es rosh .. l'veis avosom" - The bnei Yisroel are elevated only if they attach themselves to their ancestors, "l'veis avosom." (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 1, v. 12: "L'Don Achi'ezer" - Who merits to be a help, "ezer," for his brother "achi"? He who judges, "don," his actions constantly. (Rabbi Isomor of Konskivalli in Mishmeres Isomor)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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