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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 9, v. 13: "V'ho'ish asher hu tohor uvderech lo hoyoh" - A person who wants to remain pure and untainted, he should not travel to other places. Where he lives he can create an environment that is pure, but when he is in a strange place he can be affected negatively. (The Holy Chozeh of Lublin) We can likewise explain the gemara Brochos that "Ashrei yoshvei vei'secho" is "b'chad api," while "Ashrei s'mi'mei do'rech" is "b'samnia api." When one stays put at home, "yoshvei vei'secho," he remains with one appearance, i.e. he can keep up his high standard of spirituality, while one who is "s'mi'mei do'rech," traveling, he must put on eight appearances, i.e. he must change his demeanour eight times to adapt to the situation, thus not being able to keep up his standard. (bbi Naftoli of Ropschitz in Zera Kodesh)

Ch. 10, v. 4: "V'im b'achas yis'ko'u v'no'adu ei'lecho hansiim" - If you sound the siren to unite the people as one, you can accomplish this by having the leaders join in a group as one, "v'no'adu ei'lecho hansiim." (Ol'lose Efrayim)

Ch. 10, v. 9: "V'chi sovo'u milchomoh b'artz'chem .. vaha'rei'osem bachatzotzros" - At the beginning of parshas Ki Seitzei the verse says "When you will go out to do war with your enemies Hashem will give them over to you." There seems to be no requirement to sound the alarm, as stated in our verse. This is because the verse in Ki Seitzei says that you will GO OUT to do war. Your enemy has not yet entered your camp, and you are preempting your enemy, the evil inclination. Our verse discusses the enemy entering into our land, "V'chi sovo'u milchomoh b'artz'chem." You have been negligent and allowed the enemy to creep up on you until he has actually entered your essence. This requires stronger medicine, the sounding of an alarm. (The Holy Admor of Kotzk)

Ch. 11, v. 4: "Hisav taavoh" - They lusted a lusting. They brought upon themselves drives and urges that did not previously inherently exist. (Da'mesek Eliezer)

Ch. 11, v. 10: "Va'yichar af Hashem m'ode uv'einei Moshe ro" - It angered Hashem greatly that it was bad in the eyes of Moshe as well, and that he did not come to their defense as he had numerous other times. (Kedushas Levi)

Ch. 11, v. 12: "Kaasher yiso ho'omein es ha'yoneik" - An "omein" is one who educates and develops a child, while a "yoneik" is a child who has to be nursed. Moshe told Hashem, "I am but an educator. When they request food from me, it is like asking an educator to nurse a child. This is beyond my capability. (Rabbi Mayer Shapiro of Lublin)

Ch. 12, v. 3: "V'ho'ish Moshe onov m'ode mikole ho'odom" - If one is very humble, but also thinks of others as being insignificant, this is not proper humility. Moshe thought of himself as being small, but others were great, "onov mikole ho'odom." (The Holy Admor Sar Sholo-m of Belz)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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