Chasidic Insights

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 14, v. 9: "Kol sus" - In Shir Hashirim 1:9, the verse says, "L'susosi b'richvei Pharoh dimisich ra'yosi" - to a female horse with the chariots of Paroh I have likened you my friend.

Normally a wagon driver controls his horses, giving them guidance in direction, to begin moving, and to come to a stop. The M.R. says that when the chariots of Paroh came to the bank of Yam Suf Paroh the drivers were unable to stop the horses from running into the water. Perhaps this was because the ground under them became a morass of hot mud, as per the M.R. Upon seeing water they were spurred to run into it to find relief. In any case, the horses and not the riders were in control, contrary to the norm. This is the intention of this verse. As a rule, Hashem dictates. In this verse in the Song of Songs, Hashem is extolling the love He has for the bnei Yisroel, saying that they are likened to the horses that led Paroh's chariots. Just as the horses were in control, in spite of the wishes of the driver, so too, Hashem issues edicts that are sometimes negative. His beloved, the bnei Yisroel, through their heartfelt prayers, are in control and can turn around the edict. (K'dushas Levi)

Ch. 14, v. 10: "Va'yisu vnei Yisroel es ei'nei'hem v'hi'nei Mitzrayim no'sei'a acha'rei'hem vayeeru m'ode" - Rashi (Mechilta Pis'cha chapter #4) on 12:6 d.h. "v'hoyoh" says on the words in 12:21, "mish'chu ukchu lochem tzone," that "mish'chu" means to draw oneself away from idols, and "ukchu" means and take sheep for the mitzvoh of the Paschal lamb. The M.R. 21:7 says that just before the sea split, the angels questioned the justice of Hashem's miraculously saving the bnei Yisroel and drowning the Egyptians since both served idols. Didn't the Mechilta itself in parshas Bo say that the bnei Yisroel discarded their idols before taking their Paschal lambs?

Our verse says "Va'yisu vnei Yisroel es ei'nei'hem v'hi'nei Mitzrayim no'sei'a acha'rei'hem vayeeru m'ode" (14:10). When the bnei Yisroel saw the arch angel (M.R. 21:5) of Egypt pursuing them they experienced great fear. This fear, after being told that they would see a great salvation, was in and of itself idol worship. (Chidushei HoRi"m)

Ch. 14, v. 22: "Va'yovo'u vnei Yisroel b'soch ha'yom ba'yaboshoh" - In verse 29 it says "Uvnei Yisroel holchu va'yaboshoh b'soch ha'yom." The order of "yom" and "yaboshoh" is reversed. Once the bnei Yisroel experienced the miracle of walking on terra firma in the middle of a body of water, a miraculous happening, they came to the realization that all depends upon Hashem, and if not for His constant involvement one would be unable to walk on the dry earth as well. Thus once the bnei Yisroel walked "b'soch ha'yom ba'yaboshoh," - they came to the realization that walking in a body of water as if it were terra firma is a miracle, so too from that point on, "uvnei Yisroel holchu va'yaboshoh," even when they walked on the ground they recognized that walking on the earth is no less a miracle than, "b'soch ha'yom," walking on water. (K'dushas Levi)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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