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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 10, v. 1: "Ki ani hichbadti es libo" - One who considers himself an important "I", "ani," I will further harden his haughty heart. (Rabbi Yechiel Mechel of Zhlotchiv)

Ch. 10, v. 3: "Ad mosai mei'anto lei'onos miponoy" - Any normal human being would have been forced into submission by the brutally punitive plagues. Since Paroh is still stubborn and refuses to send away the bnei Yisroel, it must be because Hashem knows that in his heart he still does not accept Hashem as the Ultimate Authority. Sending the bnei Yisroel away without accepting Him is not the fulfillment of Hashem's will. (Chasam Sofer)

Ch. 10, v. 11: "Va'y'go'reish osom mei'eis pnei Faroh" - Just as Paroh's anger against the bnei Yisroel and their head representatives reached an apex shortly before their redemption, so too, in future exiles, especially when we see difficulties mounting, we should realize that salvation is shortly on the way. (Rabbi Chanoch Zvi of Bendin in Y'cha'hein P'eir)

Ch. 12, v. 12: "V'ovarti v'eretz Mitrayim balayloh ha'zeh" - From these word we derive that Hashem Himself brought the plague of death upon the first-born. This is because the first-born were so steeped in the greatness of their being FIRST. With Hashem's personal appearance on the scene, the true FIRST of all FIRSTS negated the being of the lesser firsts and brought to their extinction. An angel was incapable of bringing this about. (Rebbe Reb Bunim in Shei'ris Menachem)

Ch. 12, v. 15: "Tashbisu s'ore mibo'teichem" - "S'ore" is spelled without the letter Vov, hence its letters have the numerical value of 501, the same as D'TZaCH ADASH B'ACHaV. With our annual destruction of leavened foods from our possession we activate the power of negating evil forces, as is mentioned in the "Y'hi Rotzon" we say at the time of burning chometz. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 12, v. 28: "Kaasher tzivo Hahem es Moshe v'Aharon kein ossu" - Rashi writes that these words teach us that Moshe and Arahon also brought the Paschal lamb. Isn't this obvious? The bnei Yisroel pushed and rushed to do the mitzvoh in the spirit of "b'chipozone." Normally Moshe and Aharon would have done this mitzvoh with much forethought and surely with much concentration at every stage. In the interim the bnei Yisroel would have completed the service of their Paschal lambs and would have come in masses to watch Moshe and Aharon, who would have still been in the early stages of doing theirs. They had no such interest. They therefore did the same as the rest of the bnei Yisroel, "kein ossu," rushing and completing the mitzvoh at the same time as the others, thus avoiding being the centre of attention. (Imrei Emes in Pninim Y'korim)

Ch. 13, v. 8,9: "B'tzeisi miMitzroyim, V'hoyoh l'cho l'ose al yodcho ulzikorone bein ei'necho" - The bnei Yisroel ate their Paschal lambs. Then Moshe taught them the parshios of "ka'desh" and "v'hoyoh ki y'viacho." The bnei Yisroel immediately took the hides of their Paschal sacrifices and created tefillin. (Siddur Otzar Hatfilos on Hoshanoh Raboh, hoshanos d.h. "y'korcho imom maavirim" in the name of Mahari"l Diskin)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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