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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 26, v. 1: "V'hoyoh ki sovo el ho'oretz" - "V'hoyoh" is an expression of joy. Through serving Hashem with joy, you will merit to enter the land. (Rabbi Yisroel of Rizhin)

Ch. 26, v. 1: "V'hoyoh ki sovo el ho'oretz" - You will enter the land with joy if you eradicate Amo'leik, t last words of the previous parsha, because "uvaavode r'sho'im rinoh" (Mishlei 11). (Rabbi Avrohom Dovid of Botshatsh in Machazeh Avrohom)

Ch. 26, v. 1: "V'hoyoh .. asher Hashem Elokecho NOSEIN l'cho" - There will be great joy when you realize that your inheritance in Eretz Yisroel comes from Hashem and that He continuously is giving it to you, NOSEIN, not NOSAN. You must behave in a manner that Hashem will be willing to continue to give it to you. (Adaptation of Rabbi Yisroel of Tchortkov in Yismach Yisroel)

Ch. 26, v. 2: "V'lokachto mei'reishis .. asher tovi mei'artz'cho" - You shall take for your goal of "reishis," working on fear of Heaven, as per "Reishis chochmoh yiras Hashem" (T'hilim 111:10), your earthiness, mei'artz'cho," your drive for physicality, and elevate for the service of Hashem, "asher Hashem Elokecho." (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Viznitz in Tzemach Tzadik)

Ch. 26, v. 5: "V'oniso v'omarto lifnei Hashem Elokecho" - "V'oniso," and you shall make yourself humble, an "onov." Then you may recite in front of Hashem. Otherwise Hashem will not be available to you, as Hashem cannot reside with a person with a haughty demeanour. (Rabbi Yaakov Zvi of Dinov in Emes l'Yaakov)

Ch. 26, v. 6: "Va'yo'rei'u osonu haMitzrim va'y'anunu" - The Egyptians befriended us, "rei'us," and they thus made us spiritually poor. (Rabbi Shlomo Dovid of Radzimin)

Ch. 26, v. 6: "V'hishtachaviso lifnei Hashem Elokecho" - The goal of bringing bikurim is to bow down, subordinate oneself, in front of Hashem. (Imrei Emes)

Ch. 26, v. 11: "V'somachto v'chol hatov asher nosan l'cho Hashem Elokecho u'l'vei'secho atoh v'haLevi v'ha'geir" - Your greatest joy should not be in the good that you have received, but rather, in the fact that it was given to you by Hashem. (Tiferes Shlomo - The Holy Admor of Radomsk) Your greatest joy should not be in the good that you have received, but rather, in your sharing it with your family, the Levi, and the convert. (Va'y'da'beir Moshe)

Ch. 26, v. 13: "Lo ovarti mimitzvosecho v'lo shochochti" - Sometimes people get so bogged down with the halachic minutiae of a mitzvoh that they totally lose sight of their connection with Hashem, the One who commanded that we perform the mitzvoh. Hence, the person who brings his first ripened offering states that he has not forgotten Hashem Who has commanded that we do the mitzvoh. We sometimes get so involved in a mitzvoh that we forget the M'tza'veh. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 27, v. 8: "Es kol divrei haTorah hazose ba'eir HEI'TEIV" - Even though the Torah contains admonitions, many of them contained in our parsha, nevertheless, the words of the Torah should be written in a manner that allows the righteous people of each generation to interpret the words as a blessing (see gemara Taanis 20a). This is the intention of "ba'eir HEI'TEIV," - allow the words to be explained in a positive manner. (Noam Elimelech)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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