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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 11, v. 26: "R'ei onochi nosein lifneichem hayom brochoh" - "r'ei" is in the singular form, while "lifneichem" is in the plural form. The gemara Yoma says that in the merit of one person's properly repenting the whole world derives benefit. Thus if one person sees to do that which is proper there is blessing for many. (Rabbi Elozor of Lantzhut in Yodei Vinoh)

Ch. 11, v. 26: "Onochi nosein lifneichem hayom brochoh u'kloloh" - "Onochi," the feeling that I am a somebody, is given to you as either a blessing or a curse. When used to accomplish and not shirk responsibility, "va'yigbah libo b'darchei Hashem" (Divrei Hayomim 2:17:6), it is a blessing, while if used to be haughty, it is a curse. (Mo'ore Voshemesh)

Ch. 11, v. 26: "Hayom brochoh u'kloloh" - Today can be used as either a blessing or a curse. While the evil people say, "Act today. Eat and drink and be merry, as tomorrow you may die," the righteous people say, "Repent today, as tomorrow you may die and it will be too late." (Rabbi Chanoch Henoch of Aleksander in Chashovoh L'tovoh)

Ch. 11, v. 26: "Hayom brochoh u'kloloh" - No matter how badly you bungled the opportunity to behave properly day after day, nevertheless, realize that every day I will still give you the opportunity again to choose between good and bad. (Sfas Emes)

Ch. 11, v. 27: "Es habrochoh ASHER tish'm'u" - The blessing is that you have a yearning to hear the word of Hashem. (Rabbi Zvi Hersh haKohein of Riminov in B'eiros Hamayim)

Ch. 11, v. 27,28: "Es habrochoh ASHER tish'm'u, V'hakloloh IM lo sish'm'u" - The bnei Yisroel's natural tendency is to hearken to Hashem, "ASHER tish'm'u," while it is only by happenstance that they will ch"v not do so, "IM lo sish'm'u." (Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi in Likutei Torah)

Ch. 12, v. 4: "Lo saasun KEIN laShem Elokeichem" - Don't do your actions for Hashem in a manner of "KEIN," YES, meaning by rote. Rather, do them with forethought and intention. (The Holy Admor of Kotzk) Alternatively: "LO," - a negative command, "saasun KEIN," - you may turn it into a YES command, "laSHEM Elokeichem," - if you do it for the furthering of Hashem and the Torah. This is the concept mentioned in the gemara Nozir 23b, "G'doloh a'veiroh lishmoh mimitzvoh shelo lishmoh." As well, this is alluded to in Dvorim 18:14, "V'atoh LO CHEIN nosan l'cho Hashem Elokecho," - And to you Hashem has given the opportunity of turning a LO into a KEIN through the ruling of "g'doloh a'veiroh lishmoh mimitzvoh shelo lishmoh." (Agro D'kaloh by the Holy Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Shapiro of Dinov)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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