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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 25, v. 2: "V'yikchu li trumoh" - If you want to take me and cleave to me, then "trumoh," you must separate and elevate yourself from all your personal interests. (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk in Romosayim Tzofim)

Ch. 25, v. 2: "Trumoh" - The word "trumoh" is a composite of "Torah" and the letter Mem. The Torah was given to the bnei Yisroel after Moshe spent 40 days in heaven. Through the power of the Torah we are capable of elevating, "trumoh," all our activities, even those of physical pursuits. (Rabbi Zvi Hersh haKohein of Riminov)

Ch. 25, v. 2: "Ish asher yidvenu libo" - Who is an "ish," a worthy person? He who not only donates his money for Hashem, but also his heart. (Rabbi Avrohom of Slonim in Toras Ovos)

Ch. 25, v. 2: "Tikchu es trumosi" - Not only should the donour give "l'shem shomayim," but the recipients as well should take the donation with the intention of serving Hashem, "tikchu es trumosi." (Rabbi Zisha of Anipoli in Menoras Hazohov)

Ch. 25, v. 2: "Trumosi" - Rashi says that there were 13 materials donated to the building of the Mishkon. Donating 13 different materials aroused the 13 attributes of mercy (Shmos 34:6,7). (Rabbi Aharon of Karlin in Beis Aharon)

Ch. 25, v. 9: "V'chein taasu" - You should do the same with yourselves. Make yourselves receptacles for the Holy Spirit of Hashem to rest within you. (Rabbi Mordechai of Nesh'chiz)

Ch. 25, v. 15: "B'tabose ho'orone y'h'yu habadim lo yosuru mi'menu" - The poles implement the carrying of the Holy Ark. They represent those who support the Torah. The supporters are given the promise that "lo yosuru mi'menu," their merit will last for all generations. (Rabbi Avrohom Yehoshua Heshel of Biala in Y'shuos Avrohom)

Ch. 25, v. 18: "Kruvim" - Rashi says that they had faces of a baby. Just as a baby does not calculate where his sustenance comes from, and totally relies on his mother to nurse him, so too one should rely on Hashem only. (Rabbi Yitzchok Yaakov of Biala in Divrei Binoh)

Ch. 25, v. 24: "Zeir zohov soviv" - The golden crown frame around the table symbolizes that one should limit his physical pleasures. (Rabbi Yisochor Dov of Belz)

Ch. 25, v. 25: "V'osiso lo misgerres tofach soviv" - There are two frames around the table, the one mentioned in this verse, where it also tells us its exact size, a "tefach." In the previous verse the Torah tells us to make a golden crown frame around the table, but gives it no limiting dimensions. These two frames represent two types of service to Hashem through eating. When done as a preparation for mitzvos, i.e. to provide oneself with strength and health, then it is like the "misgerres," and is limited. If the eating is so elevated that it is done as a service of Hashem in its own right, then it is so great that there is no limit to its value, as symbolized by the "zeir," the golden crown frame. (Rabbi Aharon of Belz)

Ch. 25, v. 30: "Lechem ponim l'fonai tomid" - When does your eating have a "ponim," acceptability, when "l'fonai tomid," when you are constantly aware of Hashem's presence in front of you. (Rabbi Chaim of Viznitz in Imrei Chaim)

Ch. 25, v. 30: "Lechem ponim l'fonai tomid" - Rashi says "she'yeish lo ponim." Your eating should have "pnimius," spiritual substance and value. Then you will merit to be in front of Me constantly, "L'fonai tomid." (Rabbi Mordechai of Olik in G'dulas Mordechai)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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