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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 48, v. 8: "Va'yomer mi eileh" - Yaakov had first hand experience of an impersonation at the time of receiving blessings. He therefore was extra careful to not bless the two children he saw in front of him until Yoseif gave him definite identification. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 48, v. 16: "Y'vo'reich es han'orim" - He blessed them with "n'orim," that they should always remain with the vigour of youth. (Chidushei HoRi"m)

Ch. 48, v. 20: "Va'y'voracheim ba'yom hahu" - His blessing was "ba'yom hahu," that they should only concern themselves with the immediate situation at hand, and not needlessly worry about the future. (Rabbi Yehudoh Chosid)

Ch. 49, v. 1: "Hei'osfu .. asher yikro es'chem b'acharis ha'yomim" - If you assemble and live peacefully with each other, it will bring the "acharis ha'yomim." (Rabbi Moshe of Pshevorsk in Ohr Pnei Moshe)

Ch. 49, v. 1: "Asher yikro es'chem b'acharis ha'yomim" - The "acharis ha'yomim," the coming of Moshiach will be "asher yikro," a happening, suddenly without forethought, as per the statement of our Rabbis, "ein ben Dovid boh ad she'ys'yayshu min hag'uloh" (gemara Sanhedrin 97a). (The Holy Baal Shem Tov)

Ch. 49, v. 9: "Mi'teref bni oliso" - By the incident of Tomor Yehudoh immediately admitted his guilt. The discomfort one has with admitting his shortcomings in public brings him to give the most preposterous excuses. Yehudoh elevated himself from this "tiruf hadaas." (A'keidas Yitzchok)

Ch. 49, v. 9: "Mi'teref bni oliso" - Life has its challenges. Sometimes they are so seemingly overwhelming that one fears that he will lose his equilibrium and act improperly. Remember my son that from these challenges, "mi'teref," you have the opportunity to elevate yourself, "oliso," provided that you respond properly. (Nirreh li)

Ch. 49, v. 14: "Yisochor chamore gorem" - Yisochor's Torah knowledge is equated with a donkey carrying a load. Just as a donkey can only successfully carry a load that is balanced, so too, a Torah scholar must have a proper balance between his "bein odom laMokome" and "bein odom lacha'veiro." (N'tzi"v)

Ch. 49, v. 15: "Va'yar m'nuchoh ki tov'yeit shichmo lisbole" - If one bends his shoulder to carry the burden, then the result will be that he will benefit by having calmness. (Rebbe Reb Bunim)

Alternatively, some people don't have the nature of appreciating calmness. They are a ball of energy, always trying to accomplish. Yisochor had the nature of appreciating the calm, and yet he still devoted himself to carrying the load of the Torah. (Shomati)

Alternatively, if you appreciate calmness, then you must learn to be a "savlon," a person with much patience. (Mar'eh Yaakov)

Ch. 49, v. 15: "Va'yeit shichmo lisbole" - Rashi brings that the tribe of Yisochor was successful in its Torah studies, becoming the experts in the laws of establishing the beginnings of the new months, as is stated in Divrei Ha'yomim 1:12:32, "yodei vinoh l'itim." They knew the importance of time and did not waste this precious commodity. (Chinuch Habayis) "Lisbole" has the same numerical value as "lizman" (i"h).

Ch. 49, v. 21: "Naftoli ayoloh shluchoh hanosein imrei shefer" - We learn from Naftoli to act with alacrity and to speak calmly. (Hadoroh Shel Torah)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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