Chasidic Insights

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by Zvi Akiva Fleisher

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Ch. 35, v. 1,2: "Asher tzivoh Hashem laasose osom, Sheishes yomim tei'o'seh m'lochoh" - If for six days your work is done solely, "asher tzivoh Hashem laasose osom," because Hashem has commanded to do so, then you are assured that when Shabbos comes you will have a double level of sanctity, "y'h'yeh lochem kodesh Shabbas Shabboson laShem," as your mind will surely not wander to weekday work thoughts. (Rabbi Yisroel of Tchortkov in Ginzei Yisroel)

Ch. 35, v. 4: "Leimore zeh hadovor asher tzivoh Hashem" - Moshe told the bnei Yisroel that before doing a mitzvoh they should verbalize that this is what Hashem commanded me to do. This is an allusion for saying the text of "l'shem Yichud .." before doing a mitzvoh. (Rabbi Yechezkel of Radomsk in Knesses Yechezkel)

Ch. 35, v. 4: "Zeh hadovor asher tzivoh Hashem" - Rashi explains: "Li leimore lochem," - for me to tell you. Moshe, in his great modesty, is saying that the only reason he merited to receive a message from Hashem was because it was to be transmitted to the bnei Yisroel. (Rabbi Yisroel of Modzitz in Divrei Yisroel)

Ch. 35, v. 5: "Kole n'div libo y'vi'ehoh eis trumas Hashem" - Through the generosity of their hearts, "kole n'div libo," there will be aroused a spirit from above, "y'vi'ehoh," to shower upon them a Divine endowment from above, "eis trumas Hashem." (Rabbi Ben Zion of Bobov in K'dushas Zion)

Ch. 35, v. 29: "Asher nodav libom OSOM" - The donation of their heart is that they are ready to give themselves, OSOM, "m'siras nefesh" for Hashem. (Rabbi Yechezkel of Radomsk in Knesses Yechezkel)

Ch. 35, v. 29: "Heivi'u vnei Yisroel n'dovoh laShem" - They brought their children, the bnei Yisroel. The most meaningful donation is to guarantee that future generations will be loyal to Hashem. (Rabbi Yerachamiel of Parshis'cha in Divrei Binoh)

Ch. 35, v. 32: "Machashovose laasose" - B'tzal'eil's thoughts of how to assemble the Mishkon were considered an action, as if it were already done. (Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk in Tiferes Shlomo)

Ch. 35, v. 33: "Evven l'malose" - B'tza'leil invested the Mishkon with such a level of sanctity that it even filled those whose hearts were of stone, "evven l'malose." (Chidushei Hori"m)

Ch. 36, v. 1: "V'ossoh V'tzal'eil" - The Ibn Ezra and Rashi (on the gemara Makos 12a), translate "v'ossoh" as "and he shall make." However, Targum Onkeles, Ohr Hachaim Hakodosh, and the Sha"ch translate it as "and he has made." This is most difficult, since he did not receive the materials until verse 3. According to the insight of the Holy Admor of Radomsk on 35:32 it is easily understood.


Ch. 38, v. 21: "Ei'leh f'kudei haMishkon" - Rashi on Shmos 21:1 says that "ei'leh" negates the previous. He who negates his previous acts, by realizing that he could have served Hashem in a more enhanced manner, "f'kudei haMishkon," is appointed to the Mishkon, is deserving of having the Divine Spirit rest in him. (Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok of Blendov in Emes l'Yaakov)

Ch. 38, v. 24: "Va'y'hi z'hav hatnufoh" - "Va'y'hi" phonetically alludes to WOE. WOE to the person who waves his gold, shows off his wealth. (Rabbi Isomor of Konskivalli in Mishmerres Isomor)

Ch. 38, v. 27: "M'as adonim" - This is an allusion to the 100 blessings one should recite daily. Just as the foundation blocks are the basis for the Mishkon, so too, making 100 blessings to the Master, the Odone, the Foundation of the world, is the basis of the sanctity of the bnei Yisroel. (Chidushei Hori"m)

Ch. 39, v. 3: "Maa'sei chosheiv" - When one has a thought to do a mitzvoh, "chosheiv," he should immediately bring it into action, "maa'sei." (Rabbi Avrohom Yisochor of Radomsk in Chesed l'Avrohom) This concept is clearly stated in the Medrash Shir Hashirim on the words "ad shetechpotz" (3:5), which is interpreted as "ad she'tei'o'seh l'chei'fetz."

Ch. 39, v. 32: "Va'tei'CHEL kol avodas Mishkan ohel mo'eid" - All of the work to build the Mishkon was done with the emotion of "kalose nefesh." Those involved were ready to give their lives for it. (Rabbi Pinchos Menachem of Piltz in Sifsei Tzadik)


See also Sedrah Selections and Oroh V'Simchoh

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