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This parsha sheet is being dedicated to my beloved father, Nachman Shimon ben Yehuda Meir Hakohan,Z"L.May it be a merit for his soul.


"And if he is poor and his hand is unable to afford." (14:21)

After a "Metzora" (a spiritual disease with physical symptoms)is healed sacrifices are offered . The Torah gives a poor "Metzora" an option to give a less expensive sacrifice. A question can be asked in regard to verse 14:21 wording. If the verse begins by saying a poor person, then why does it have to repeat that he is unable to afford? Isn't it obvious that if he's poor, he is probably unable to afford to sacrifice a more expensive sacrifice? Why is the Torah being redundant? I would like to propose , Bezrat Hashem, the following original answer : There are 2 types of poor people, one that defines himself as being poor and another that realizes that he might be poor now but that does not necessarily mean that he'll be poor in the future. The first type of poor person is a pessimist, while the second is an optimist. The Medrash Yayikra Rabba 17:3 lists 10 sins that can cause "Tzaras".Three such sins are as follows:(1) conceit, (2) Lashon hara , malicious gossip, (3) acting miserly. All of these sins share a common denominator, namely whats known in Hebrew as an "Eyin Rah" ( a bad eye). This type of person sees the world in a negative and pessimistic manner. In other words pessimism is the root cause for "Tzaras". The Torah is, therefore, teaching us in verse 14:21 that a person has to go from being a"pessimistic" poor person to an "optimistic" poor person as a means by which a "cure" for Tzaras can take effect. The Torah,therefore, used 2 terms to describe a poor person starting firstly with the "pessimistic" poor person and continuing with the "optimistic" poor person in order to teach the "Metzora" the direction he needs to go in so that a cure for his malady can be facilitated. He must now change the manner by which he sees the world. We must also change our own perspective to a more positive one, devoid of negativity. A positive person need not be conceited, focusing on the faults of others and acting miserly towards his fellow man. He is humble, seeing only the good in others and acting with generosity towards his fellow man. Have a good Shabbos


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