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Avodah Zarah 66

1a) [line 1] CHAMRA ATIKA - old wine (that has a taste different from grapes)
b) [line 2] CHAMRA CHADTA - new wine (that tastes like grapes)

2a) [line 2] B'MASHEHU (MIN B'MINO)
(a) When a forbidden object is mixed with a permitted object, the mixture may be prohibited to be eaten mid'Oraisa, prohibited to be eaten mid'Rabanan, or permitted to be eaten, as follows:

1. If most of the mixture is Isur, it is prohibited mid'Oraisa.
2. If most of the mixture is Heter, but the Isur is more than one sixtieth of the Heter, i.e. the Isur is "Nosen Ta'am" (lends taste) to the Heter, it is prohibited mid'Rabanan (since "Ta'am k'Ikar," the "taste" is like the essence is a Din d'Rabanan -- there are those who prohibit this mixture mid'Oraisa, when the two mixed substances are unidentical ("Min beshe'Eino Mino"), asserting that "Ta'am k'Ikar" is mid'Oraisa).
3. If the amount of Isur is less than one sixtieth of the Heter, and is not Nosen Ta'am to the Heter, the mixture is permitted.
(b) The above applies when unidentical substances are mixed (e.g. they were cooked together and the Isur is Nosen Ta'am to the Heter). However, when a liquid mixes with an identical liquid, the Tana'im argue as to the status of the mixture. According to Rabanan, since identical substances are not Nosen Ta'am to each other at all, the Isur can be nullified by a majority of Heter (and sixty parts of Heter are not required). According to Rebbi Yehudah, the opposite is true. Even a miniscule amount of Isur prohibits the mixture, since mid'Oraisa the Isur is not nullified at all. (When two identical *dry* substances become mixed together, all agree that the majority in the mixture determines the mixture's Halachic status -- TOSFOS Yevamos 82a, DH Rebbi Yehudah. See, however, RASHI cited by Tosfos 81b DH Rebbi Yehudah.)

b) [line 3] B'NOSEN TA'AM (MIN BESHE'EINO MINO B'NOSEN TA'AM) - see previous entry

Abaye and Rava argue regarding how we rule in a case of a forbidden item that became mixed with a permitted item. Abaye maintains that we follow the *taste* of the items. In a case where the two items (such as new wine and grapes) have the same taste, it is considered a mixture of Min b'Mino (in which forbidden and permitted quantities of the same species are mixed together). The entire mixture is forbidden if it contains even a small amount of Yayin Nesech. Rava maintains that we follow the *names* of the items. Since new wine and grapes are defined and labeled as different items, it is considered a mixture of Min b'she'Eino Mino (in which forbidden and permitted quantities of different species are mixed together). The Yayin Nesech forbids the entire mixture only if its taste is noticeable in the mixture.

4a) [line 5] MIN B'MINO B'MASHEHU - see above, entry #2a:b
b) [line 8] MIN BESHE'EINO MINO B'NOSEN TA'AM - see above, entry #2a:a:2
5a) [line 14] CHALA D'CHAMRA - wine vinegar
b) [line 15] CHALA D'SHICHRA - vinegar made from beer
6a) [line 15] CHAMIRA D'CHITEI - wheat sourdough
b) [line 15] CHAMIRA D'SA'AREI - barley sourdough
7) [line 24] TAVLIN - spices

8a) [line 24] SHENAYIM V'SHELOSHAH SHEMOS - (a) two or three different names (species; RASHI); (b) two or three different prohibitions (TOSFOS, RITVA). See Insights.
b) [line 24] V'HEN MIN ECHAD - and they are of one species
c) [line 24] O MIN SHELOSHAH - or three different species (the YA'AVETZ corrects the Girsa to read, "O SHELOSHAH MINIM")
d) [line 25] ASURIN U'MITZTARFIN - they are forbidden and they combine [to form the minimum amount (i.e. Nosen Ta'am) which forbids the permitted food]

9) [line 25] MINEI MESIKAH - types of sweet [spices]
10) [line 26] L'MATEK BAHEN ES HA'KEDEIRAH - to sweeten the cooked dish (lit. the pot)

11) [line 28] KULEI CHAD TA'AMA HU - they all have the same taste


12a) [line 1] REICHEI CHALA V'TA'AMA CHAMRA, CHALA - if its bouquet is that of vinegar and its taste is that of wine, it is considered vinegar
b) [line 3] REICHEI CHALA V'TA'AMA CHAMRA, CHAMRA - if its bouquet is that of vinegar and its taste is that of wine, it is considered wine

13) [line 5] BAS TIHA - (a) [a small reed that is placed into] a hole in the stopper of a barrel of wine, to smell whether the wine is able to be stored (RASHI, with the additional explanation of TOSFOS DH Bas); (b) a small reed that is placed into a large reed that sticks out of a barrel of wine, to smell the wine (TOSFOS, citing RABEINU CHANANEL, ARUCH)

14) [line 6] OVED KOCHAVIM BED'YISRAEL SHAPIR DAMI - when an idolater is the one who is smelling the wine of a Jew, it is permitted

15a) [line 8] REICHA MILSA HI - the aroma of a substance is considered significant, and smelling it is considered like drinking it
b) [line 9] REICHA LAV MILSA HI - the aroma of a substance is considered insignificant

16) [line 11] SHE'HISIKO - that he stoked
17) [line 11] KAMON - cumin

18) [line 12] TERUMAH
See Background to Avodah Zarah 62:13.

19) [line 14] D'MIKLA ISUREI - the prohibited substance is destroyed
20) [line 15] HA'RODEH - one who peels the bread off the wall of the oven

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