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Bava Basra 98

1) [line 1] MEVUSAM - wine that is guaranteed not to turn into vinegar
2) [line 2] ATZERES - the holiday of Shavu'os (the 6th day of the month of Sivan)
3) [line 1] YASHAN - old
4) [line 2] ESHTAKAD - last year
5) [line 1] MEYUSHAN - very old
6) [line 2] MI'SHEL SHALOSH SHANIM - from the year before last
7) [line 4] KANKANIM - jugs
8) [line 11] MASNISIN KESHISEI - the Mishnah is difficult for him, i.e. the language of our Mishnah compels him to make this ruling

9) [line 15] CHAMRA, MAZALA D'MAREI GARIM - the Mazal (fate) or sins of the owner (i.e. the buyer) caused the wine to spoil

10) [line 16] "V'AF KI HA'YAYIN BOGED, GEVER YAHIR V'LO YINVEH..." - "And though wine is treacherous, the arrogant man shall not abide in his home. [He widens his soul like She'ol, and he, like death, cannot be satisfied, for he has gathered to himself all the nations, and collected all peoples as his own.]" (Chabakuk 2:5) - The Gemara reads the word "Yinveh" as "Yinaveh," the people of his home (his wife -- RASHBAM) will not be able to put up with him.

11a) [line 17] HAI MAN D'YAHIR - any person who acts haughtily b) [line 17] AFILU A'INSHEI BEISEI LO MIKBAL - he is not even acceptable to the people of his home (his wife -- RASHBAM), i.e. they will not put up with him

12) [line 20] KOL HA'MISGA'EH B'TALIS SHEL TALMID CHACHAM - anyone (who is not a Torah scholar) who shows off and otherwise raises himself (a) by wearing the special cloak of a Torah scholar (that was extremely long, for purposes of unique modesty) (RAHBAM); (b) by wrapping his head with a scarf in the special manner of the Torah scholars (RABEINU GERSHOM)

13) [line 22] "... EL NEVEH KODSHECHA." - "... to Your holy dwelling." (Shemos 15:13)

14a) [line 22] HAI MAN D'ZAVIN LEI CHAVISA D'CHAMRA L'CHENVA'AH A'DA'ATA LISEVUYEI - any person (a winemaker) who sells a barrel of wine to a storekeeper under the conditions that the storekeeper will act as the agent of the winemaker, selling the wine to the public and taking a small profit for his efforts (the storekeeper only has to pay for the wine after he finishes selling it)
b) [line 23] V'SAKIF A'PALGA O A'TILSA - and it turned into vinegar after one half or one third of the barrel was sold

15a) [line 24] LO SHANI B'VARZA - where he did not change the spigot from which the wine is poured
b) [line 25] LO MATA YOMA D'SHUKA - where the market day had not yet come

16a) [line 25] HAI MAN D'KABIL CHAMRA - any person who accepts wine [from a winemaker, under the conditions that the winemaker and the agent will divide the profits equally if the agent sells the wine in a certain place where the price of wine is high. The barrels belong to the winemaker and the agent accepts the wine (he "buys" it) at the low price of their location. (Compare Background to Bava Metzia 70:9, Iska)
b) [line 26] A'DA'ATA D'MAMTI LEI L'PARVASA (D'VOL SHAFAT) [D'BELSHAFAT] - under the conditions that he brings it to the port of Belshafat, a city in Susiana (the modern-day province of Khuzistan, Iran), Syriac name Beth-Lapetha or Ahwaz (modern-day Avaz, the capitol of Khuzistan)

17) [line 26] AD'MATI L'HASAM ZAL - before he got there, the price of wine dropped (to lower than the agreed-upon "purchase" price -- RASHBAM)

18) [line 27] CHALA - vinegar
19) [line 27] KI HAVA'AN BEI RAV KAHANA - when we were in the Beis ha'Midrash of Rav Kahana


20) [line 1] U'MEYASHEN V'HOLECH AD HE'CHAG - and it should age and remain of good quality until the holiday of Sukos, at the end of its third year

21) [line 2] HA'MEKABEL - someone (a builder) who accepts [a plot of land from a person who wants a structure built]

22) [line 3] BEIS CHASNUS - (a) a special home, with a Chupah inside of it, that was built for the eldest son who became a Chasan (RASHI to Megilah 5b DH u'Neti'ah - presumably it was recycled for later children). It may be only a lean-to attached to the father's house, even as small as six Amos by four Amos by five Amos in height (RASHBAM); (b) the main residence at which the Chasan and Kalah stay during the time of the Sheva Berachos (TOSFOS to Sukah 25b DH Ein Simchah)

23) [line 3] BEIS ALMENUS - a special home for a man's daughter whose husband has passed away. It may be only a lean-to attached to the father's house, even as small as six Amos by four Amos by five Amos in height.

24) [line 5] REFES BAKAR - a cowshed
25) [line 7] TERAKLIN - a reception hall
26) [line 8] K'VINYAN HA'HEICHAL - The Sanctuary of the first Beis ha'Mikdash was 40 Amos long, 20 Amos wide and 30 Amos high (Melachim I 6:2)

27) [line 10] CHASNA - a son-in-law
28) [line 10] L'MEIDAR BEI CHAMUHA - to live in his father-in-law's house (or into an attached wing of it)

29) [line 11] SEFER BEN SIRA - an ancient work, part of the Apocrypha, written approximately 320 BCE. According to tradition, Ben Sira was a son of the prophet Yirmeyahu.

30) [line 11] LO MATZASI KAL MI'SUBIN - I have not found anything worse (lit. lighter) than bran (which is a waste product)

31) [line 11] V'KAL MI'SUBIN CHASAN HA'DAR B'VEIS CHAMIV - and worse than bran is a son-in-law who lives in his father-in-law's house

32) [line 13] "MESHIV DAVAR B'TEREM YISHMA, IVELS HI LO U'CHLIMAH." - "He who answers a matter before he hears it, it is his folly and shame." (Mishlei 18:13)

33) [line 18] KUVSA BEI VERADEI - (a) a small square house with windows, decorated with roses (RASHBAM); (b)

34) [line 18] KANTIR / TARBATZ APADNEI - a courtyard similar to those built next to mansions. It is called Tarbatz since water is constantly thrown down (l'Harbitz) on the floor to prevent the dust from rising

35a) [line 24] K'KOROSAV - like [the measure of] its width-wise beams
b) [line 24] K'ROCHBO - like [the measure of] its width

36) [line 24] BEISA MI'ILA'EI RAVACH - the width of a room is wider at the top (since the walls are thicker at the bottom, and the measurement of its width-wise beams is greater than its width)

37) [line 25] IKA BEI KAVEI - there are notches in the walls into which the beams fit (and therefore the measurement of its width-wise beams is greater than its width)

38) [line 25] NAFAK L'KIRYASA - he went out to the villages in the farmlands [to inspect his fields]

39a) [line 27] HA'DEVIR - the border between the Kodesh and the Kodshei ha'Kodashim
b) [line 27] LIFNEI HA'DEVIR - inside the Devir, i.e. the Kodesh ha'Kodashim

40) [last line] MI'SEFAS KERUVIM LU'MA'ALAH - from the top [of the heads] of the Keruvim and up [to the ceiling]

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