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Bava Basra 110

1) [line 3] MI'BENOS PUTI'EL, TARTEI - "from the daughters of Putiel," [implies] two [lineages] (a) either from the fact that Puti'el is written with an unnecessary "Yud" or (b) from the fact that the word "Benos" is in the plural

2) [line 4] TZARICH SHE'YIVDOK B'ACHIHA - he needs to check into [the character traits of] her brothers

3) [line 6] MI'MASHMA SHE'NE'EMAR - from the implication of what is written

4) [line 10] "[HEMAH IM BEIS MICHAH V'HEMAH HIKIRU ES KOL HA'NA'AR HA'LEVI.] VA'YASURU (SHAMAH VA'YOMER) [SHAM VA'YOMRU LO] 'MI HEVI'ACHA HALOM U'MAH ATAH OSEH BA'ZEH U'MAH LECHA FOH?'" - "They were in [the vicinity of] the house of Michah and they recognized the voice of the youth, the Levi. And they went in there and said to him, "Who brought you here and what are you doing in this and what is there for you here?" (Shoftim 18:3)

5) [line 12] LAV MI'MOSHE KA ASIS? - Are you not descended from Moshe Rabeinu?

6) [line 13] "[VA'YOMER,] 'AL TIKRAV HALOM. [SHAL NE'ALECHA ME'AL RAGLECHA KI HA'MAKOM ASHER ATAH OMED ALAV ADMAS KODESH HU.']" - "[And He said,] 'Do not come close to here. [Take off your shoes from you feet because the ground upon which you are standing is holy ground.']" (Shemos 3:5)

7) [line 14] "[VA'YOMER ELAV HASH-M,] 'MAH ZEH V'YADECHA?' [VA'YOMER 'MATEH.']" - "[And HaSh-m said to him,] 'What is this in you hand?' [And he said, 'A staff.']" (Shemos 4:2)

8) [line 15] "V'ATAH POH AMOD IMADI [VA'ADABERA ELECHA ES KOL HA'MITZVAH VEHA'CHUKIM VEHA'MISHPATIM ASHER TELAMEDEM...]" - "And you, stand with Me here [and I shall speak to you all of the commandments and the statutes and the laws that you will teach them...]" (Devarim 5:28)

9) [line 16] TE'ASEH KOHEN L'AVODAH ZARAH?! - could you become a minister for idol worship?!

10) [line 17] L'OLAM YASKIR ADAM ATZMO - a person should always hire himself out

11) [line 17] AL YITZTARECH LA'BERIYOS - and not depend upon [handouts from] others

12) [line 19] AVODAH SHE'ZARAH LO - work that is strange, unfamiliar to him
13) [line 20] NETOSH NEVEILTA B'SHUKA - skin a carcass in the marketplace (alt. Girsa with the same meaning, *NESHOT*)

14) [line 20] U'SHEKOL AGRA - and take wages
15) [line 21] ZILA BI MILSA - it is beneath my honor
16) [line 23] MINAHU AL HA'OTZAROS - he appointed him in charge of the treasuries

17) [line 23] "U'SHVU'EL BEN GERSHOM BEN (MENASHEH) [MOSHEH] NAGID AL HA'OTZAROS." - "And Shvu'el the son of Gershom, the son of Moshe, was the officer of the treasuries." (Divrei ha'Yamim I 26:24)

18) [line 26] SHE'SHAV LA'KEL B'CHOL LIBO - who returned to [the service of] HaSh-m with all of his heart

19) [line 30] IY IKA BEN, LEIROS BEN - if there is a [remaining] son, he should inherit [all of the father's possessions]

20) [line 30] LO HAI LEIROS V'LO HAI LEIROS - this one shall not inherit [all of the father's possessions] and that one shall not inherit [all of the father's possessions, but rather, they shall divide them equally] (RASHBAM, based upon the Gemara Daf 110b)


21) [line 1] ATU BAR KASHA D'MASA LEIROS? - Should the mayor of the town (alt. the town watchman) inherit?

22) [line 3] KI HADADEI LEIRSU - they should inherit equally
23) [line 7] "V'CHOL BAS YORESHES NACHALAH [MI'MATOS BENEI YISRAEL, L'ECHAD MI'MISHPACHAS MATEH AVIHA TIHEYAH L'ISHAH, L'MA'AN YIRESHU BENEI YISRAEL, ISH NACHALAS AVOSAV.]" - "And every daughter who inherits her father's estate [from the tribes of Benei Yisrael, shall get married to a member of the tribe of her father, so that all of Benei Yisrael inherit the estates of their fathers.]" (Bamidbar 36:8)

24) [line 8] "LAMAH YIGARA SHEM AVINU MI'TOCH MISHPACHTO KI EIN LO BEN? [TENAH LANU ACHUZAH B'SOCH ACHEI AVINU.]" - "Why should the name of our father be lost from within his family [just because] he has no son? [Give us a portion among our father's brothers.]" (Bamidbar 26:4)

25) [line 11] BENOS TZELOFCHAD - the daughters of Tzelofchad, the son of Chefer, of the tribe of Menasheh. According to declaration of his daughters recorded in the verse (Bamidbar 27:3), he died in the desert because of his own sin. The Tana'im (Shabbos 96b-97a) argue as to which sin he committed. Rebbi Akiva states that he was the Mekoshesh Etzim, the person who gathered kindling sticks on Shabbos (Bamidbar 15:32-36), who was put to death by stoning. According to Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira, Tzelofchad was among the people of Benei Yisrael who resolved to wage the war of conquest of Eretz Yisrael on their own, after Moshe informed them that they were destined to wander in the desert for forty years and die there due to the sin of the spies. Moshe told them that HaSh-m would not be with them in their military assault, and as a result they were massacred by the Amalekim and the Kena'anim (Bamidbar 14:40-45).

26a) [line 11] V'DILMA BENOS TZELOFCHAD HU D'AMRAN HACHI - but perhaps it was only the daughters of Tzelofchad who stated thusly (that when a person leaves a son and a daughter, only the son inherits his estate)
b) [line 12] NITNAH TORAH V'NISCHADSHAH HALACHAH - [and then perhaps] the Torah was given and the Halachah was introduced [that a son and a daughter inherit their father's estate equally]

27) [line 13] MECHAVARTA KED'SHANYAN ME'IKARA - Rather, it is clearly correct as we originally answered (i.e. "di'Chsiv Ish Ki Yamus..." -- Daf 110a)

28) [line 14] KURVAH - closeness with regard to inheritance

29) [line 17] ME'HAI PIRCHA GUFAH HU - it is from this question itself (that is, we only know that a son stands in the place of his father with regard to Sedeh Achuzah (see Background to Bava Basra 108:12b) from the fact that he exempts the father's widow from Yibum. However, a daughter also exempts the father's widow from Yibum.)

30) [line 20] "V'HISNACHALTEM OSAM LI'VNEICHEM ACHAREICHEM [LA'RESHES ACHUZAH, L'OLAM BAHEM TA'AVODU...]" - "And you shall hold onto them as a heritage for your children after you, [to give to your heirs as a possession; you shall work with them forever...]" (Vayikra 25:46) - Our Gemara interprets the beginning of this verse as, "And you shall bequeath them to your sons after you..."

31) [line 23] BERACHAH SHA'ANI - a blessing is different (and the verse of blessing refers to both sons and daughters while the verse of inheritance refers only to sons)

32) [line 24] ASYA ACHAVAH ACHAVAH - it is learned through a Gezeira Shavah (see Background to Bava Kama 25:19) between two words from the root of Achavah (brotherhood) in the verses "u'Nsatem Es Navchalaso *l'Echav*" (Bamidbar 27:9) and "Sheneim Asar Avadecha *Achim* Anachnu, Benei Ish Echad" (Bereishis 42:13). Just as in the latter verse we are dealing with brothers who share the same father but not the same mother, so, too, in the former verse we learn that inheritance passes from brothers of the same father.

33) [line 30] V'CHI ITMAR D'RABAH, L'INYAN YIBUM ITMAR - Rabah's words (regarding the Halachah taught by the Gezeirah Shavah) were stated with regard to Yibum, which can only be performed by a brother who shares the same father as his deceased brother. The Halachah of inheritance from brothers of the same father is evident from another verse (Bamidbar 27:11) that the Gemara brings.

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