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Bava Basra 111

1) [line 2] BAS YORESHES SHENEI MATOS - a daughter inherits [from] two tribes

2) [line 5] HURA KOCHAH B'NICHSEI HA'AV - her power is weakened with [regard to inheriting] the father's property (because a son precedes her)

3) [line 7] UMI'MAKOM SHE'BASA - (lit. and from the place from which you have come) and from the place from which you are learning

4) [line 11] SHAVIN - they are equal (they inherit together equally, and the son does not precede the daughter)

5) [line 11] DAYO LA'BA MIN HA'DIN LIHEYOS KA'NIDON - it is sufficient to give the Halachah learned from a Kal va'Chomer the exact status of the Halachah from which it was learned.

6) [line 13] MI'DIN KAL VA'CHOMER
(a) In the Introduction to the Sifra (the Halachic Midrash to Vayikra), Rebbi Yishmael lists thirteen methods that Chazal use for extracting the Halachah from the verses of the Torah. One of them is called a Kal va'Chomer (an argument a fortiori, also known as "Din" in the language of the Gemara), by which a Halachic inference is made from a Halachah of lesser consequence to a Halachah of greater consequence, or vice versa.
(b) Unlike a Gezeirah Shavah (see Background to Bava Kama 25:19), the Kal va'Chomer inference need not be received as a tradition from one's teacher, since it is based upon logic. And unlike a Hekesh (see Background to Gitin 41:12), it can be refuted based on logical grounds.

7) [line 14] "V'AVIHA YAROK YARAK B'FANEHA, HA'LO SIKALEM SHIV'AS YAMIM..." - "And HaSh-m said to Moshe, 'If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? [Let her be shut out from the camp for seven days, and after that let her be received in again.']" (Bamidbar 12:14)

8) [line 15] KAL VA'CHOMER LA'SHECHINAH ARBA'AH ASAR YOM - it stands to reason that for a disgrace received from HaSh-m she should be ashamed for double the time of the shame that she feels for her father's disgrace, i.e. fourteen days

9) [line 17] B'ALMA DARISH DAYO - in all other cases, he expounds (and applies) the rule of "Dayo" (see above, entry #5)

10) [line 20] SAVAR L'ME'AVAD UVDA - he considered ruling in practice [like Rebbi Zecharya ben ha'Katzav, and giving a son and a daughter an equal share in the inheritance from the mother]

11) [line 22] AFES ZECHARYA - cancel [the ruling of] Zecharya
12) [line 24] MAI HAI? - What is this (why are you ruling like Rebbi Zecharya ben ha'Katzav)?

13) [line 26] ZIL AHADAR BACH! - Go and retract [your ruling]!
14) [line 26] MAPIKNA LACH RAV CHINENA BAR SHELEMYA ME'UNECH - (a) (lit. "I will remove Rav Chinena bar Shelemya from your ear") I will inform you that Rav Chinena bar Shelemya will not be able to help you, since I will excommunicate you (RASHBAM here; RASHI to Yevamos 60b and Sanhedrin 8a); (b) I will refute all of his proofs [such that his statement will no longer strengthen your claim] (RASHI to Chulin 132b DH Mapikna)

15) [line 31] ASHALACH LEI - I shall send to him (to find out if Rav Huna actually said such a ruling)

16) [line 31] ICHSIF - he was embarrassed
17) [line 32] HASHTA, KI NACH NAFSHEI D'RAV HUNA, ISRISAS L'KAVLI - now, had Rav Huna died, you would have brazenly defied me

18) [line 35] MISTAMICH V'AZIL - he was leaning and walking
19) [line 35] A'KASPA - on the shoulder
20) [line 36] SHAM'EI - his servant, attendant
21) [line 36] ASI REBBI YEHUDAH NESI'AH L'APAIHU - Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah came before them (to greet them)

22a) [line 37] BAR INASH D'ASA L'KIVLANA - the person who comes to greet us
b) [line 37] HU YA'EI - he is beautiful (i.e. he is an important person - RASHBAM)
c) [line 38] V'GULSEI YA'EI - (a) and his cloak is beautiful; (b) and he wears the clothing befitting of a Talmid Chacham (RASHBAM)

23) [line 38] GASHESHAH - he (Rebbi Yanai) felt it (the cloak of Rebbi Yehudah Nesi'ah)

24a) [line 39] DEIN, SHI'UREI K'SAK - this [cloak], it has the law of the measurement (with regard to becoming Tamei) of sackcloth (i.e. his cloak is made of thick material and is not so becoming (RASHBAM); see ME'IRI for the deeper meaning underlying this remark)

Clothes and utensils can become Tamei if they can be used in a significant manner. A cloth which is the size of three by three Etzba'os can become Tamei, since people save it and use it when it is that size. Sackcloth, though, which is not a comfortable material, is only used when it is four by four Tefachim.


25a) [line 1] GUD - [let us] leave (lit. pull [me away from here])
b) [line 1] LEIS DEIN TZAVI L'MEILAF - this one does not want to learn

26) [line 2] "[KI ES HA'BECHOR BEN HA'SENU'AH YAKIR, LASES LO PI SHENAYIM] B'CHOL ASHER YIMATZEI LO, [KI HU REISHIS ONO, LO MISHPAT HA'BECHORAH.]" - "[He must recognize the first-born son of the hated wife to give him a double portion] of everything in his possession, [because he is the first of his strength, to him is the law of the firstborn.]" (Devarim 21:17)

27) [line 3] LO V'LO LAH - [the firstborn receives a double portion only of the property in] "his" [possession, i.e. his father's,] but not [of the property in] "her" [possession, i.e. his mother's]

28) [line 6] ONO V'LO ONAH - "his strength," and not "her strength"
29) [line 6] BA ACHAR NEFALIM - one who comes (is born) after stillbirths
30) [line 7] MI SHE'LIBO DAVEH ALAV - one for whom his (the father's) heart is concerned

31) [line 15] "[V'IM EIN ACHIM L'AVIV, U'NSATEM ES NACHALASO LI']SHE'ERO [HA'KAROV EILAV MI'MISHPACHTO,] V'YARASH OSAH" - "[If there are no brothers to his father, you shall give his inheritance to] his relative [who is closest to him from his family, and] he shall inherit it." (Bamidbar 27:11) - The Gemara here expounds "She'ero" to refer to a man's wife, and the words "v'Yarash Osah" to mean that "he will inherit her."

32) [line 17] AF HI TIRASHENU - [perhaps] even she should inherit him
33) [line 18] V'HA KERA'EI LAV HACHI KESIVEI - but the verses are not written like this

34) [line 19] TERITZ HACHI - explain [the verses] as such
35) [line 19] U'NSATEM ES NACHALSO LA'KAROV ELAV: SHE'EIRO, V'YARASH OSAH - you shall give his inheritance to the one who is closest to him: his wife -- he shall inherit her

36) [line 21] SAKINA CHARIFA MAFSEKA KERA'EI?! - a sharp knife is cutting up the verses?!

37) [line 21] U'NESATEM ES NACHALAS SHE'EIRO LO - you shall give the inheritance of his wife to him

38) [line 22] GOR'IN U'MOSIFIN V'DORSHIN - we can take off a letter from one word and attach it to an adjacent letter or word and then expound the verse; e.g. we take the letter "Vav" off of the word "Nachalaso," and we take the letter "Lamed" off of the word "li'She'ero," and we combine the two letters to make the word "Lo."

39) [line 25] HESEBAS HA'BA'AL - transfer [of the property via] the husband. When a woman from one tribe, who inherited (or stands to inherit) property from her father, marries a man from another tribe and then she dies, her husband inherits her property and it thereby is transferred to the tribe of the husband.

40) [line 27] "V'ELAZAR BEN AHARON MES VA'YIKBERU OSO B'GIV'AS PINCHAS BENO ASHER NITAN LO B'HAR EFRAYIM." - "Elazar, the son of Aharon, died, and they buried him in the hill of Pinchas, his son, which was given to him on Mount Efrayim." (Yehoshua 24:33)

41) [line 27] V'CHI MINAYIN L'FINCHAS SHE'LO HAYAH LO L'ELAZAR? - From where did Pinchas have [land] that Elazar (his father) did not have?

42) [last line] "U'SGUV HOLID ES YA'IR..."- And Seguv bore Ya'ir, who had twenty-three cities in the land of Gil'ad." (Divrei ha'Yamim I 2:22)

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