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Bava Basra 118

BAVA BASRA 118 (7 Av) - has been dedicated to the memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., by his wife and daughters on his fifth Yahrzeit. G-dfearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.

1) [line 2] KASHYA - this is a difficulty; we do not know how to explain that verse according to the Tana who holds that Eretz Yisrael was apportioned to the people who entered Eretz Yisrael

2) [line 4] KA TZAVCHAN - they cried out (for justice)
3) [line 5] HA LEISEI D'LISHKOL - he was not around [at the time of the entry into Eretz Yisrael] that he should take [a portion of the land]

4) [line 6] L'CHAZARAH - [the daughters of Tzelofchad petitioned Moshe Rabeinu for the land that they were entitled to receive] through the return (that is, after the descendants of Chefer (the father of Tzelofchad) entered Eretz Yisrael and received a portion of the land, that portion was passed back to their deceased forebears, divided equally, and then passed back down to the descendants. Thus, the daughters of Tzelofchad wanted a share in the land that was returned to the descendants. See Background to Bava Basra 117:5b)

5) [line 7] HAINU D'KA TZAVCHAN BENEI YOSEF - that is why the descendants of Yosef cried out (i.e. since the land was apportioned to the people who left Mitzrayim, the descendants of Yosef would be receiving very small shares, because their numbers increased considerably before they entered the land)

6) [line 8] "VA'YEDABERU BENEI YOSEF" - "The children of Yosef spoke [to Yehoshua, saying, 'Why did you give me an inheritance of a single lot and a single portion, while I am a large populace, for HaSh-m has blessed me to such an extent?']" (Yehoshua 17:14)

7) [line 9] MISHUM TEFALIM D'HAVU NEFISHEI LEHU - because of the children that they had in abundance (who were under 20 years old at the time they entered Eretz Yisrael and therefore did not receive any portion in Eretz Yisrael)

8) [line 16] IBA'I LEI L'INISH L'IZDAHUREI ME'EINA BISHA - a person should be careful to avoid an evil eye (Ayin ha'Ra) (since the family of Yosef was so populous, it was in danger of being effected by an Ayin ha'Ra)


9) [line 1] ANAN MI'ZAR'A D'YOSEF - we are from the offspring of Yosef
10) [line 2] "BEN PORAS YOSEF, BEN PORAS ALEI AYIN..." - "Yosef is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough next to a well...." (Bereishis 49:22)

11) [line 4] OLEI AYIN - raised above the eye, i.e. beyond the power of the evil eye (the word "Ayin" can mean both "a well" and "an eye")

12) [line 5] "... V'YIDGU LA'ROV B'KEREV HA'ARETZ." - "... and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the land." (Bereishis 48:16) - The Gemara derives from the word "v'Yidgu" that "they should be like fish;" just like fish multiply in great numbers, so, too, the children of Yosef should multiply quickly. Similarly, just like fish live in the water and are thus protected from an evil eye, so, too, the children of Yosef should be protected from an evil eye.

13) [line 16] MAKISH MISLONENIM LI'MERAGLIM - the complainers are compared to the spies (as they are mentioned together in the same verse)

14) [line 18] "AVINU MES BA'MIDBAR V'HU LO HAYAH B'SOCH HA'EDAH HA'NO'ADIM AL HA'SH-M BA'ADAS KORACH [KI V'CHET'O MES U'VANIM LO HAYU LO.]" - "Our father died in the desert, and he was not among the group that gathered against HaSh-m in the group of Korach, [for he died because of his own sin, and he had no sons]." (Bamidbar 27:3; see Background to Bava Basra 116:20 and 117:10)

15) [line 24] ICHPUL - doubled (meaning that they received a much larger portion of the land than is reasonable)

16) [line 24] V'YARSU L'CHULAH ERETZ YISRAEL?! - and inherited the whole of (or most of -- RASHBAM) Eretz Yisrael?!

17) [line 27] "VA'YIPLU CHAVLEI MENASHEH ASARAH..." - "Ten portions fell to Menasheh..." (Yehoshua 17:5)

18) [line 28] SHISA D'SHISA BATEI AVOS, V'ARBA'AH DIDHU - six portions for the six families (of the tribe of Menasheh), and four portions for the them (the daughters of Tzelofchad)

19) [line 32] TREI ACHEI D'ABA HAVAH LEHU - they had two uncles (i.e. their father's brothers, who died in the Midbar leaving no children, and therefore the daughters of Tzelofchad received a share of their two uncles' portions in Eretz Yisrael)

20) [line 32] "NASON TITEN LAHEM [ACHUZAS NACHALAH] B'SOCH ACHEI AVIHEM, V'HA'AVARTA ES NACHALAS AVIHEN LAHEN." - "You shall surely give to them [a possession of inheritance] among the brothers of their father, and you shall cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them." (Bamidbar 27:7)

21) [last line] TUVA HAVU - they were many (i.e. much more than ten)

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