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Beitzah 7

BEITZAH 6-10 - Ari Kornfeld has generously sponsored the Dafyomi publications for these Dafim, for the benefit of Klal Yisrael

1) [line 3] V'HADAR - and [the purchase is] returned, retracted
2) [line 4] D'TZERIVAN - they are fully developed
3) [line 5] L'MEISVAH LEI BEINEI BEINEI - to give back to the buyer the difference in price [between the eggs from a live hen and those found in a slaughtered hen]

4) [line 6] BEI'EI D'DICHRA L'MAN - "Who has eggs that were fertilized by a rooster?"
5) [line 7] D'SAFNA ME'AR'A - that produces eggs as a result of being heated by the ground

6) [line 11] D'SHAMINAN TEFEI - because they are fatter, richer
*7*) [line 16] U'MATZA BAH BEITZIM GEMUROS - that is, *any* completed eggs, even if they are still mingled with the sinews (Me'uros b'Gidin)

8) [line 17] ME'UROS B'GIDIN - mingled with veins and sinews
9) [line 17] ASUROS - they are forbidden to be eaten with milk

10) [line 18] NIVLAS OF TAHOR
(a) Normally, items that are Tamei spread Tum'ah through touching them or carrying them ('Maga' or 'Masa'). The only object that is Metamei mid'Oraisa *while being eaten* is Nivlas Of Tahor (a kosher bird that died or was killed without Shechitah). It is *only* Metamei while in the Beis ha'Beli'ah (throat), during the process of being swallowed.
(b) A Nivlas Of Tahor is Metamei the person eating it, as well as any clothes or utensils that he is touching at the time that it is in his throat, giving them the status of "Rishon l'Tuma'ah."

11) [line 18] SHELAL SHEL BEITZIM - eggs in the stage before being laid, that are still mixed with veins and sinews. The word "Shalal" refers to the veins and sinews that are attached to the egg, since Shalal is a word for basting; i.e. long loose stitches (O.F. baste - basting, tacking)

12) [line 19] HA'ESHKOL SHEL BEITZIM - eggs at a stage of development earlier than Shalal

13) [line 19] KURKEVAN - the gizzard (the second stomach of a bird).
14) [line 20] SHE'HIMCHAH ES HA'CHELEV - if he melted the bird's fat and sipped it
*15*) [line 21] AMAR RAV YOSEF, D'LO K'REBBI YA'AKOV - that is, this Beraisa must be the opinion of the Rabanan, who consider eggs mingled with sinews to be detached from the hen. (Nevertheless, the Eshkol Shel Beitzim is considered to be part of the hen, and not detached, since the word 'Eshkol" does not refer to the eggs attached to the Eshkol, but rather to the Eshkol (ovary) itself -- as the Gemara concludes according to the 'Ika d'Amrei.' -- RASHI DH Min)

16) [line 24] V'APUSHEI TUM'AH MID'RABANAN LO MAFSHINAN - the Rabanan avoided making decrees that would add unnecessarily to the number of cases of Tum'ah mid'Rabanan. (Therefore, even if they gave incomplete eggs the status of meat regarding the prohibition of eating meat and milk, they did not give them the status of meat regarding the Halachah that one who eats the Neveilah of an Of Tahor -- above, #10 -- becomes Tamei.)

*17*) [line 25] AMAR RAV YOSEF, REBBI YA'AKOV HI - that is, only if eggs are *not* mingled with the sinews are they considered detached, but if they are mingled they are considered attached (mid'Rabanan, as we concluded earlier). Nevertheless, the Beraisa maintains that eating eggs mingled with sinews from the Shelal Shel Beitzim of Nivlas Of ha'Tahor does not make a person Tamei, since the Rabanan did not want to increase the incidence of Tum'ah, as the Gemara concluded earlier.

18) [line 27] ESHKOL GUFEI - the ovary of the bird itself (that is located under the spine)

19) [line 33] ATALEF - (O.F. chauvesouris) a bat
20) [line 35] KINAH SHEL TARNEGOLIN - the nest of hay upon which a hen lays her eggs

*21*) [line 41] KOL HEICHAH D'IKA ZACHAR LO SAFNA ME'AR'A - that is, when there is a male nearby the female does not produce eggs "from the heat of the ground," but rather it goes to the male and produces eggs from the male.


22) [line 1] D'SHAM'AH KALEI B'YEMAMA - that she hears his call in the daytime. (At night his call is heard better because there is less noise to drown it out)

23) [line 2] SHITIN BATEI - sixty houses, one after the other
24) [line 3] MAVRA - a bridge
25) [line 3] MEITZRA - a narrow plank across a river with a rope above it to hold on to
26) [line 9] TUMA SHECHIKA - ground garlic

27) [line 10] GILUYA
A person may become sick after drinking water that was left uncovered. There is a possibility that a poisonous snake drank from the water, injecting venom into it.

28) [line 13] EIN CHIMUTZO KASHEH - it is not heavily leavened

There is a Mitzvah to cover the blood of all birds and wild animals (Chayos) that are slaughtered, as it states in Vayikra (17:13) "v'Ish Ish ... Asher Yatzud Tzeid Chayah O Of Asher Ye'achel, v'Shafach Es Damo v'Chisahu b'Afar." The blood must be covered from above and below with earth or any similar granular substance.

30) [last line] DEKER NA'UTZ - a shovel that was stuck into the ground
31) [last line] KESISHAH - to crumble clods of earth in order to make fine dirt, which is a Toldah of the Av Melachah of Tochen (grinding)

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