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Berachos 30

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 30b [line 41]:
*David* Sha'ani, d'Havah Metza'er Nafshei *b'Rachamei*
(a) The word b'Rachamei does not appear in Dikdukei Sofrim #4.
(Accordingly, the meaning of the Gemara is that David is different because
he humbled himself very much in *all* of his matters, as is stated in
Megilah 11a "David Hu ha'Katan... -M. KORNFELD)

(b) The Girsa of the Behag was "*Melech* Sha'ani (and he *was* Gores
b'Rachamei). Accordingly, the meaning of the Gemara is that a king must
humble himself in prayer very much, as is found later on Daf 34b, that a
king must bend over for the duration of the Shemoneh Esrei - Sifsei
Chachamim. (This is also the meaning of our Gemara's Girsa -- David prayed
differently since he was a king)

1) [line 1] LI'SHTAF INISH NAFSHEI B'HADEI TZIBURA - a person should include himself in the community

2) [line 3] EIMAS MATZLI - when does he pray?

3) [line 6] PARSAH - a Persian mile

  • 1 PARSAH = 4 MIL
  • 1 MIL = 2000 AMOS
4a) [line 39] BEIS HA'KAPORES - the space above the Aron, between the Keruvim
b) [line 39] ACHOREI BEIS HA'KAPORES - the eleven Amos between the western wall of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim and the western wall of the Azarah.
*c*) [line 40] K'ILU LIFNEI HA'KAPORES - he should imagine to himself that he is together with the rest of the Jews, who are praying to the east of the Kodesh ha'Kodashim (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH 6b)

5) [line 44] TEL - elevation (hill)
6) [line 48] KARON - wagon, coach
7) [line 51] HAVU MECHANFEI - would gather
8) [line 52] PIRKA - the Derashah
9) [line 55] KASHISHEI MINAN - older than us
10) [line 56] CHEVER IR - the congregation of the city


11) [line 1] POLMOSA D'MALKA - the royal army
12) [line 2] V'ATRIDU RABANAN - and the Talmidei Chachamim were disturbed
13) [line 4] KARA - the Tanach teacher
14) [line 6] PUK, KERA KAR'ICH L'VARA - Go teach your Halachos outside [of the Beis ha'Midrash] (i.e. your opinion about this Halachah is unacceptable)

15) [line 11] DEKA'MAS'HID ALEI - that testifies about him
16) [line 19] YAMUD - he should estimate
17) [line 29] SHE'TISCHONEN DA'ATO ALAV - that he should set his mind at ease so that he will be able to ask for grace (related to the word "Chinam" - for free)

18) [line 29] SHE'TISCHOLEL DA'ATO ALAV - that he should set his mind at ease so that he will be able to make entreaties in the proper fashion


19) [line 37] KOVED ROSH - humility
20) [line 40] MARAS NEFESH - (a) solemn disposition (the original interpretation of the Gemara);
(b) bitter disposition (the conclusion of the Gemara)

21) [line 41] MERIRA LIBA - bitter inclination
22) [line 43] METZA'ER NAFSHEI B'RACHAMEI - he troubled himself in prayer (see Girsa section)

23) [line 44] "B'HADRAS KODESH" - "in the beauty of holiness" (Tehilim 29:2)

24) [line 44] CHERDAS - trepidation
25) [line 45] HAVAH METZAYEIN NAFSHEI - he would distinguish himself with elegant clothes

26) [line 46] "V'GILU BI'R'ADAH" - "and rejoice with trepidation" (Tehilim 2:11)
27) [line 48] KA BADACH TUVA - was overly cheerful

28) [line 49] ANA TEFILIN MANACHNA - (a) I certainly feel HaSh-m's presence although I am laughing, since I am wearing Tefilin (RASHI);
(b) I am joyous because I finally have the opportunity to wear Tefilin (after experiencing extended stomach trouble) (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH)

29) [line 49] CHAZYEI D'HAVA KA BADACH TUVA - Rebbi Zeira saw that Rebbi Yirmiyah was overly cheerful (TALMIDEI RABEINU YONAH)

30) [line 50] "B'CHOL ETZEV YIHEYEH MOSAR" (Mishlei 14:23) - "It is more advantageous to be sad and serious" (the Mefarshim on Mishlei translate: "In all labor or toil there is profit")

31) [last line] HILULA - wedding
32) [last line] CHAZANHU L'RABANAN - he saw the Talmidei Chachamim

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