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Berachos 31

***************GIRSA SECTION********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, Rav B. Rensburg and the parenthetical marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any *OTHER* changes that we feel ought to be made in Gemara, Rashi or Tosfos.)

[1] Gemara 31a [line 28]:
"l'Hispalel ... Ela mi'Toch Simchah *Shel Mitzvah*"
(a) The Girsa in the Re'ah, Talmidei Rabeinu Yonah and Dikdukei Sofrim #200
is mi'Toch *Devar* Simchah (without the word Mitzvah).
(b) The Girsa in Beis Nasan and Menoras ha'Ma'or is mi'Toch Simchah Shel
*Torah*; apparently this was the Girsa of Rashi DH Ela mi'Toch Simchah

[2] Gemara 31a [line 31]:
"Lo Yipater me'Chaveiro ... Ela mi'Toch Devar *Halachah*"
(a) The correct Girsa is Devar *Simchah* (as above Girsa #1a);
see also Hagahos ha'Gra
(b) The Girsa of the Paris manuscript is Devar *Simchah Shel* Halachah,
(which is similar to the Girsa of Rashi, see above, Girsa #1b)

[3] Gemara 31a [line 39]:
"Amar Lei *Mar* Vadai d'Amrei Inshei"
The word "Mar" does not appear in Dikdukei Sofrim #3 or in Sotah 46b

[4] Hagahos ha'Gra 31a #2
The Vilna Ga'on erased the word "v'Chen"
This word also does not appear in Talmidei Rabeinu Yonah or in Dikdukei Sofrim #400

[5] Gemara 31b [line 32]:
The words "v'Zu she'Lo *Kilkelah, Nifkedes*"
should be "v'Zu she'Lo *Nisterah, Nifsedes*"
This is the Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim #20 and in Sotah 26a

1) [line 1] KASA D'MOKRA - a valuable glass cup
2) [line 3] KASA D'ZUGISA CHIVARTA - a cup made of white glass (crystal)
3) [line 6] LI'SHRI LAN MAR - please sing for us
4) [line 7] D'MISNAN - that we are going to die
5) [line 7] MA NA'ANEI BASRACH - what should we sing as a response?
6) [line 8] D'MEGANU - that protect 7) [line 16] HALACHAH PESUKAH - a clear-cut Halachah which does not need further analysis, and will therefore not disturb a person's Shemoneh Esrei prayer

The Halachah requires that a woman who sees even the smallest amount of blood must count seven clean days. This is the assertion of Rebbi Zeira in Nidah Daf 66a, who reports that Jewish women took it upon themselves to keep the laws of a Zavah, even if they did not see blood on three consecutive days. (See RASHI and TOSFOS Megilah 28b).

By Torah Law, a person is required to tithe his grain only if he harvests it in a normal manner. This includes completing the stalk-to-grain process in the field, piling up the grain there and bringing it through the front door of his house. If he brings it into his house while it is still in its chaff, the obligation to tithe the grain is only mid'Rabanan. Under such circumstances, the Rabanan did not prohibit eating the grain in a temporary fashion (Achilas Ara'i). Feeding an animal is termed Achilas Ara'i and is therefore permitted.

10) [line 25] HA'MEKIZ DAM - one who lets blood

11) [line 26] MO'ALIN BO

(a) It is forbidden to derive personal benefit from anything that is Hekdesh. This is learned from the Lav of "Lo Suchal le'Echol bi'Sharecha ... u'Ndarecha Asher Tidor" ("You may not eat in your settlements, ... and your pledges that you will pledge") (Devarim 12:17). The minimum amount for which one transgresses this Lav is a Perutah's worth of benefit.

(b) If someone benefited from Hekdesh intentionally, he receives lashes and must pay to Hekdesh the amount that he benefited. However, the object from which he benefited remains Hekdesh.

(c) If someone benefited from Hekdesh unintentionally, the object loses its Kedushah. He must therefore bring a Korban Me'ilah and repay Hekdesh the value of his benefit plus an additional *fifth* (of the ensuing total, or a *quarter* of the original value). This is true of any object that has Kedushas Damim (i.e. it's value is consecrated to Hekdesh). An object that has Kedushas ha'Guf (i.e. an object with intrinsic Kedushah, such as the vessels used in the Beis ha'Mikdash or a live Korban) does not lose its Kedushah under any circumstances. (see Rashi Me'ilah 8a DH Chatas ha'Of)

(d) After the blood of a Korban is thrown on the Mizbe'ach, it may be used for any purpose, even fertilizer, as stated in Avodah Zarah 44a. Rav Ze'ira extrapolated that if blood was let from an animal of Kodshim while it is still alive, the Lav of Me'ilah does apply to this blood.

12) [line 30] KALUS ROSH - lightheadedness, flippancy
13) [line 38] SHE'MITOCH KACH ZOCHREHU - (a) he thereby remembers him; (b) his Halachah will cause his friend to remember another Halachah (MAHARSHA)

14) [line 38] ALVEYEI - escorted
15) [line 39] BEI TZINYASA D'BAVEL - "Between the Palms of Bavel", the name of a place

*16*) [line 41] ADKARTAN MILSA... - the proof of the Gemara is: a) that Rav Kahana showed Rav Shimi the Halachah of escorting, by showing him how far one is required to escort one's guest. The distance from Rav Kahana's house to Bei Tzenisa corresponded to this distance (SIFSEI CHACHAMIM); (b) that it is proper to tell one's guest a Halalchah upon parting so that the guest will remember another Halachah and will share it with the host (MAHARSHA, see above 13:b)

17) [line 51] "V'CHAVIN PESICHAN LEI B'ILISEI NEGED YERUSHELEM; V'ZIMNIN TELASA V'YOMA HU BARECH AL BIRCHOHI U'METAZLEI U'MODEI ... " - "and windows were open for him towards Yerushalayim; and three times a day he would kneel on his knees and pray and give thanks ..." (Daniel 6:11)

18) [line 52] HUCHALAH - it began
19) [line 58] HILCHESA GIBARVASA - great laws
20) [line 59] NA'OS - move


21) [line 8] ISHAH KESHAS RU'ACH - a woman of a sorrowful spirit
22) [line 19] "SHELASECH" - "your request"
23) [line 24] TZIV'EI TZEVA'OS - hosts of hosts, multitudes of multitudes

24) [line 27] V'ESTATER (SOTAH)
(a) A Sotah is a woman who is suspected of committing adultery, because she was warned by her husband not to be alone with a certain man, and then she violated the warning. The husband must bring his wife to the Beis ha'Mikdash, along with a sacrifice consisting of 1/10 of an Eifah (approx. 2 quarts) of barley meal.

(b) An earthenware jug is then filled with half a Lug of water from the Kiyor, and dirt from the floor of the Azarah is placed on top of the water. The portion of the Torah describing the curses with which a Sotah is cursed (which contains numerous appearances of HaSh-m's name) was written on parchment and then immersed in the water, causing the ink to dissolve and the holy name to be erased. The Sotah would drink from the water. If she had been unfaithful to her husband, the water would enter her body and cause her belly to swell out and her thigh to rupture. If she was faithful to her husband, she would remain unharmed and would be blessed with children (Bamidbar 5:11-31)

25) [line 28] PELASTER - fraud

Every word in the Torah is holy and contains worlds of insights and nuances. However, certain sages of the Mishnah felt that there were some phrases recorded in the Torah which paralleled people's speech, and should not be used for homiletics or insights. (Rav Betzalel Rensburg points out that our case might be different from other cases of Dibrah Torah ki'Lshon Benei Adam. We are actually dealing with the speech of a person, namely Chanah, and people sometimes speak repetitively without the intention of expressing two points.)

*27*) [line 35] BIDKEI MISAH - Three actions of a woman are *checked* when her life is in danger. If she is found lacking in the laws of Nidah, Chalah or lighting Shabbos candles, she may die. Chanah specifically mentioned this point since she did not have any children, and the Gemara (Nedarim 64b) states that a childless person is among those who are considered as if they were dead.

28) [line 35] DEVEIKEI MISAH - Three actions of a woman which bring death upon (lit. *attach* death to) her.

29) [line 37] GAVRA B'GUVRIN - a man who stands out amongst men
30) [line 39] SHE'MUVLA BEIN ANASHIM - who does not stand out noticeably amongst other men

31) [line 39] GOTZ - short
32) [line 39] ALAM - thick
33) [line 40] TZACHOR - white
34) [line 40] GICHOR - a person with a reddish complexion

A person who teaches Halachos in the presence of his Rebbi demonstrates his lack of respect for the Torah and her sages. Eli was the greatest Torah leader of his generation, and thereby was considered the Rebbi of the entire nation.

36) [line 45] KABALAH
Offering a Korban is comprised of four main actions. These four "Avodos" are Shechitah (slaughtering), Kabalas ha'Dam (collecting the blood of the Korban that will be thrown on the Mizbe'ach), Holachah (carrying the blood towards the Mizbe'ach) and Zerikah (throwing the blood on the Mizbe'ach).

37a) [line 47] SHIVKI LI D'I'ANSHEI - let me punish him
b) [line 48] V'YAHIV LACH RAVA MINEI - and HaSh-m will give you a son greater than he

38) [line 54] LEISIV TA'ANISA L'TA'ANISA - he should fast on Sunday to atone for fasting on Shabbos

39) [line 54] HETICHAH DEVARIM KELAPEI MA'ALAH - she spoke out against HaSh-m

40) [last line] V'ATAH HASIBOSA ES LIBAM ACHORANIS - "and You have turned their hearts away from you" (Melachim 1:18:37). RASHI explains that Eliyahu protested that since HaSh-m gave Bnei Yisrael the opportunity to sin by creating the Yetzer ha'Ra, He is capable of turning their hearts back to Him.

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