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Gitin 68

GITIN 68 & 69 - Sponsored by Rabbi Dr. Eli Turkel and his wife, Jeri Turkel. May Hashem bless them with many years of Simcha, health and fulfillment, and may they see all of their children and grandchildren follow them in the ways of Torah and Yir'as Shamayim!

1) [line 1] IGNIV LAN KASA D'CHASPA - he stole from us a goblet of silver
2) [line 1] BAHADEI D'KA ME'AINEI V'ASEI - while they were searching for it
3) [line 4] TA'AMA D'CHIVRA - the taste of leprous (diseased) flesh
4) [line 6] BIDKU B'DUCHTEI - check in its place (the area of the hide of the animal from which this piece of meat was taken)

5) [line 7] UCHMA B'CHIVRA - a black spot on a white animal
6) [line 7] LEKUSA HI - is an affliction
7) [line 8] KARU LEI BEIRA - they dug for him a pit
8) [line 9] V'SHADU LEI TZIPESA ILAVEI - and they threw a mat of reeds on top of it
9) [line 10] LEISI MAR LEINACH - let the master (Rav Sheshes) come and rest
10) [line 10] NACHAR LEI RAV CHISDA ME'ACHOREI - Rav Chisda snorted to him (Rav Sheshes) from behind him (as a warning to him)

11) [line 11] AMAR LEI L'YENUKA - he said to a child
12) [line 11] PESOK LI PESUKEICH - recite to me the verse that you have just learned
13) [line 13] TZIPISA D'SHADYA - a mat of reeds thrown down [on the ground]
14) [line 14] HADAR MINAH - turn away from it
15) [line 17] "ASISI LI SHARIM V'SHAROS V'SA'ANUGOS BENEI HA'ADAM SHIDAH V'SHIDOS" - "I acquired for myself male musical instruments and female musical instruments, and pleasures of man, and Shidah and Shidos" (Koheles 2:8)

16) [line 20] BEREICHOS - pools
17) [line 20] MERCHATZA'OS - bathhouses
18a) [line 21] SHIDA - male demons
b) [line 21] SHIDTIN - female demons
19) [line 22] SHEDTA - chariots for women and nobility
20) [line 23] SHICHIN - the name of a town which had many pits ("Shi'ach")
21) [line 23] SHIDAH ATZMAH EINI YODE'A MAH HI - the [actual make-up of a] demon itself I know not what it is

22) [line 26] "VEHA'BAYIS B'HIBANOSO, EVEN SHELEMAH, MASA NIVNAH [U'MAKAVOS VEHA'GARZEN, KOL KELI VARZEL, LO NISHMA BA'BAYIS B'HIBANOSO]" - "When the House (the Beis ha'Mikdash) was being built, it was built of complete hewn stone, and hammers and the ax -- any iron tools -- were not heard in the House (the Beis ha'Mikdash) when it was being built." (Melachim I 6:7)

23) [line 28] IKA SHAMIRA - there is the Shamir. This refers to the special Shamir worm that is the size of a barley seed (Sotah 48b) and that is able to cut through stone

24) [line 29] HEICHA ISHTAKACH - where is it found?
25) [line 30] KAVSHINHU A'HADADI - pressure them
26) [line 31] U'MEGALU LACH - and they will reveal to you
27) [line 34] TURA PELAN - such-and-such mountain
28) [line 35] MICHASYA B'TINARA - he covers it with stone
29) [line 35] CHASMEI B'GUSHPANKA - he seals it with his signet ring
30a) [line 36] GAMAR MESIVTA D'REKI'A - he studies in the Yeshivah of the heavens
b) [line 37] GAMAR MESIVTA D'AR'A - he studies in the Yeshivah of the earth
31) [line 38] SAYAR LEI - he checks it
32) [line 39] MEGALI LEI - he opens it (the pit)
33) [line 40] SHOSHILTA D'CHAKIK ALEI SHEM - a chain on which is engraved the Name [of Ha-Shem]

34) [line 41] IZKESA - a ring
35) [line 42] GAVEVEI D'AMRA - balls of wool
36) [line 42] ZIKEI D'CHAMRA - flasks of wine
37) [line 43] KARA BEIRA MI'TATA'EI - he dug a pit below [Ashmadai's pit]
38) [line 43] SHAFINHU L'MAYA - he drained out the water
39) [line 44] ME'ILA'EI - above [Ashmadai's pit]
40) [line 45] TAMINHU - he filled in [both new pits with earth]
41) [line 47] "LETZ HA'YAYIN, HOMEH SHECHAR, V'CHOL SHOGEH BO LO YECHKAM" - "Mockery comes about through wine, insanity through intoxicated beverage, and all who errs in it will not become wise" Mishlei 20:1)

42) [line 49] KI TZACHI LO SAGYA LEI - when he became thirsty, he could not resist
43) [line 49] RAVAH - he became intoxicated
44) [line 50] GANA - he slept
45) [line 51] MIPARZEL - he thrashed (in an attempt to free himself)
46) [line 52] SHEMA D'MARA ALACH - the Name of the Master (Ha'Shem) is upon you
47) [line 53] MATA DIKLA - they came to a date-palm tree
48) [line 53] CHAF BEI SHADYEI - he rubbed against it and threw it down
49) [last line] KUVA DEHA'HI ARMALTA - the hut of a certain widow


50) [line 1] ICHANENA LEI - she beseeched of him to have mercy
51) [line 1] KAFA L'KOMASEI MINEI - he bent the height of his body away from it (the widow's hut)

52) [line 1] ITVAR BEI GARMA - a bone of his was broken
53) [line 2] "... V'LASHON RAKA TISHBOR GAREM" - "... and soft speech will break a bone." (Mishlei 25:15)

54) [line 3] CHAZA SAMYA - he saw a blind person
55) [line 4] ASKEI L'ORCHEI - he straightened him out on his path
56) [line 4] CHAZA RAVYA - he saw a drunkard
57) [line 6] CHEDVASA - a joyful celebration [of a wedding]
58) [line 7] USHKEFA - a shoemaker
59) [line 8] MESANEI - shoes
60) [line 8] SHEV SHENEI - seven years
61) [line 8] ACHICH - he laughed
62) [line 8] KESAMA - sorcerer
63) [line 12] ANSEI MISHTEYA - his drinking (of intoxicating beverage) has overcome him

64) [line 12] LEVEINASA - a brick
65) [line 14] HACHI AMAR LECHU, HADUR ASHKEYUHA - this is what he was saying to him: give him more to drink

66) [line 18] NEGIDU MINEI MEICHLEI - withhold from him food (except for a little (Rashi))

67) [line 19] SHAKAL KANYA - he took hold of a reed
68) [line 19] MASHACH ARBA'AH GARMIDEI - he measured four Amos [of the reed]
69) [line 20] SHADA KAMEI - he (Ashmadai) threw it (the reed) in front of him (Shlomo)

70) [line 22] KEVASHTEI - you have conquered
71) [line 24] KA BA'INA MINACH MIDI - [I do not] want anything from you
72) [line 26] LO MASIR LI - it has not been given to me
73) [line 26] L'SARA D'YAMA MASIR LEI - to the officer of the sea it has been given
74) [line 26] TARNEGOLA BERA - the wild hen
75) [line 26] D'MEMEIMAN LEI A'SHEVU'ASEI - who is trusted to him to uphold his oath

76) [line 27] A'SHINA D'TURA - on the sharp peak of a mountain
77) [line 27] PAKA TURA - it cracks open the mountain
78) [line 27] MANKIT MAISI BIZRANEI ME'ILANEI - it collects and brings seeds from trees

79) [line 28] CHAFYEI L'KINEI ZUGISA CHIVARTEI - they covered its nest with clear glass

80) [line 29] RAMA BEI KOLA, SHADYEI - he yelled at it, and it dropped it (the Shamir)

81) [line 29] SHAKLEI - he took it it
82) [line 30] CHANAK NAFSHEI A'SHEVU'ASEI - it strangled itself [to death] for having violated its oath

83) [line 34] U'VA'AYA MINTAR L'YAVAM KATAN (YAVAM KATAN) - and she will have to wait for the minor brother [of her deceased husband] to do Yibum
(a) If a married man dies childless, his widow must undergo Yibum (the marriage of a dead man's brother with his wife), as it states in Devarim 25:5-10. Chazal learn from the verses that there is a preference for the oldest brother to perform Yibum.
(b) If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum -ibid.). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.
(c) The *connection* of the brother to the dead man's wife, which obligates one of the two, is called Zikah. It is comparable to the state of Eirusin (betrothal) before a marriage. The Tana of the Mishnah from Yevamos rules that the Zikah "connects" the Yevamah with all of the brothers, not only the oldest. While the Yevamah is waiting for Yibum or Chalitzah, she is called a Shomeres Yavam.
(d) The Yavam must be a Halachic adult (age thirteen or over) in order to perform Yibum or Chalitzah.

84) [line 36] BEI GAZA D'MALKA - the king's treasury
85) [line 36] LIKSOM MAI D'IKA TUSEI - he should use his sorcery for what is right there underneath him

86) [line 37] TARCHEI GABEI - he (Shlomo) detained him (Ashmadai) with him
87) [line 37] "[E-L MOTZI'AM MI'MITZRAYIM] K'SO'AFOS RE'EM LO" - "Ha-Shem brought them out of Mitzrayim, to Him is like the greatness of the wild ox" (Bamidbar 24:8). The Gemara interprets "k'So'afos" and "Re'em" to refer to two separate things -- "k'So'afos" ("those that fly") refers to the ministering angels, and "Re'em" ("the high") refers to the demons.

88) [line 38] MAI REVUSAICHU MINAN - what is your superiority over us?
89) [line 39] BAL'EI - he (Ashmadai) swallowed him (Shlomo)
90) [line 39] OSVEI L'CHAD GAPEI BI'REKI'A UL'CHAD GAPEI B'AR'A - he (Ashmadai) place one wing of his in the sky and one wing of his on the earth

91) [line 40] PASKEI - and he (Ashmadai) threw him (Shlomo)
92) [line 41] GONDO - his cloak (Rashi; Rashi cites Rav Hai whose text reads "Kudo," which means his earthenware cup for drinking water)

93) [line 42] KOL HEICHA D'MATA - wherever he came
94) [line 43] SHOTEH B'CHADA MILSA LO SARICH - a Shoteh (deranged person) does not get stuck with one statement

95) [line 44] SHALCHU LEHU L'MALKEVASA - they (the Sages) sent to them, to the queens (the wives of Shlomo)

96) [line 44] BIDKU B'CHAR'EI - check his feet
97) [line 45] B'MUKEI KA'ASI - (O.F. chalcon) he comes with socks on (woolen socks or slippers)

98) [line 46] HAVAH LEI BI'ASUSA MINEI - he (Shlomo) always had fear of him (Ashmadai)

99) [line 47] MELECH V'HEDYOT - King Shlomo was a king and them became a commoner

100) [line 48] L'DAMA D'REISHA - for blood of the head (an illness involving a headache caused by the blood (high blood pressure?), RASHI)

101) [line 48] SHURVINA - a type of cedar wood
102) [line 48] BINA - willow
103) [line 48] ASA DARA - a moist myrtle
104) [line 49] CHILFA (O.F. poplier) - poplar; a tall, narrow tree similar to the willow

105) [line 49] CHILFEI D'YAMA - (O.F. girofle) clove; dried flower bud of tropical tree, used as a spice

106) [line 49] YIVLA - a type of grass
107) [line 49] LISHLUKINHU BAHADEI HADADEI - boil them together
108) [line 50] VARDA CHIVRA - a white rose
109) [line 50] D'KAI B'CHAD DARA - [the leaves of which] all stand in one row (on one side of the stem, RASHI)

110) [line 51] LI'TZELICHASA - for a headache of half of the head (migraine headache)
111) [line 51] LISHCHATEI B'ZUZA CHIVRA - slaughter it with a pure silver Zuz
112) [line 51] AHA'HU GISA D'CHAYIV LEI - on the side [of his head] that hurts
113) [last line] V'NIZDAHER MI'DEMEI - and be cautious of its blood
114) [last line] D'LO LISMINHUY L'EINEI - that it not [go into and] blind his eyes
115) [last line] V'LISLEYEI B'SIPA D'VAVA - and hang it (the hen) on the doorposts
116) [last line] D'CHI AYIL CHAYIF BEI - so that when he goes up [into the house] he will rub against it

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