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Megilah 3

MEGILAH 2-5 (Elul 27-Rosh Hashanah 5760) - have been dedicated by Dr. Jack and Sarah Dimenstein of Zurich Switzerland. May they be blessed with a year of health and prosperity, physical and spiritual!

1) [line 1] MIHAVAH HAVU - they existed beforehand
2) [line 22] "MEFORASH, V'SOM SECHEL" - "clearly, with the application of wisdom" (Nechemyah 8:8) - According to the Derashah of Rav regarding the word "Meforash" in this verse, the Targum existed at the time of Nechemyah, hundreds of years before Onkelos ha'Ger.

3) [line 24] MIKRA - the traditional pronunciation of the words
4) [line 25] PISKEI TE'AMIM - the cantillations with which the verses are read
5) [line 26] MASORES - the traditional spelling of the Scriptural text
6) [line 37] PAR'OH CHAGIRA - (lit. Par'oh the Lame, also known as Par'oh Nechoh) King of Egypt at the time of Yoshiyahu ha' Melech, who wanted to pass through Eretz Yisrael on his way to war against Ashur (Melachim II 23:29-35, Divrei ha'Yamim II 35:20-36:4). His archers killed Yoshiyahu, who did not want to let his army pass through the land. He is called "the Lame" because he tried to sit on the miraculous throne of Shlomo ha'Melech and was hit by one of the mechanical golden lions, which crippled him (Vayikra Rabah 20:1, Targum Sheni, beginning of Megilas Ester).

7) [line 37] BIK'AS MEGIDO - the valley of Megido (Armageddon), where Yoshiyahu was killed by the archers of Par'oh Nechoh

8) [line 41] IV'ISU - they were frightened
9) [line 42] MAZALAIHU CHAZU - their spiritual counterparts saw
10) [line 43] LINSHOF MI'DUCHTEI - he should jump from his place
11) [line 43] GARMIDEI - Amos
12) [line 44] SHEMEINA MINAI - is fatter than me
13) [line 46] LEVIYIM B'DUCHANAN - the Leviyim, who were standing on the Duchan. The Duchan was a raised platform with 3 steps on which the Leviyim stood facing the Sanctuary (their backs to the people) while singing to HaSh- m, when the Kohanim offered obligatory public Korbenos Olah (Burnt-Offerings) or the Shelamim (peace-offering) of Shavuos. They also played musical instruments to accompany the singing.

14a) [line 46] YISRAEL B'MA'AMDAN - Israelites who are standing in the Azarah when the Korban Tamid was offered, representing the entire people of Israel

b) [line 46] B'MA'AMADAN (MA'AMADOS)
(a) The Mishnah in Ta'anis 26a states that the early prophets divided Bnei Yisrael into twenty-four groups, or Ma'amados. Each Ma'amad consisted of Kohanim, Leviyim and Yisraelim, and it was their duty to make sure that the Korbanos were sacrificed properly. The Ma'amados worked in a rotation and took responsibility for the Korbanos of one week, twice each year.
(b) When each Ma'amad's turn arrived, the Kohanim and Leviyim would travel to the Beis ha'Mikdash to do the divine service. Some of the Yisraelim traveled to Yerushalayim, also, but most of them stayed in their own cities. It was the job of the Yisraelim to pray that the week's Korbanos should be accepted by HaSh-m. They gathered together to fast, read special portions of the Torah and recite the special Shemoneh Esrei of Ta'aniyos (see Background to Shabbos 24:1).


15a) [line 5] ME'ANOS - lament for the deceased in unison by saying the same words at the same time
b) [line 6] METAPCHOS - (a) to beat the heart (which was done publicly as a sign of mourning) (RASHI here and to Shabbos 148b); (b) to clap (as a sign of mourning) (RASHI Beitzah 30a, RAMBAM ibid., ROSH ibid.)

16) [line 9] MEKONENOS - lament for the deceased by one woman leading and all the other women repeating her words

17) [line 16] MES MITZVAH - a dead person who has nobody to attend to his burial
18) [line 29] KEVOD HA'BERIYOS - human dignity
19) [line 41] ASARAH BATLANIN - (a) ten people supported by the community to stay in the Beis Keneses throughout the day and be available to make a Minyan for prayer (RASHI here and to 5a); (b) ten people who work during the day but arrive at the Beis Keneses early in the morning and stay late in the evening to be available to make a Minyan for prayer (RAN 5a)

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