Weekly Haftorah

by Reuben Ebrahimoff -
The Haftorahman


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The Haftarah for Parashat Lech Lecha

The Haftara is read from the Book of Isaiah
Chapter 40:27- 41:16

Isaiah offers Encouragement to the Jewish People in exile.

The Connection of the Haftarah to the Parasha: The prophet Isaiah reminds us that it was Hashem that motivated Abraham to leave his homeland in order for him to journey to Israel, and it is there that he taught the rest of the world that there is only one G-d.

Outline of the Haftorah: 40:7 The prophet Isaiah comforts the nation of Israel by reassuring them that they will survive the sufferings that will be experienced while in exile. We are comforted by the thought that Hashem is a wise planner. Hashem will conduct a trial of all the nations and Hashem will act as the judge. 41:5 Isaiah explains to us the lesson from Abraham's story. That since the time of Abraham all the nations of the world should know Hashem is in charge. 41:7 However they fail to do so and they all unite in their worshipping idols. 41:9 More words of encouragement for the exiled Jews. 41:14 The Haftorah concludes with Isaiah’s promise that B’nai Yisrael will ultimately overcome and outlive their enemies.

Famous Phrases from the Book of Isaiah: Chapter 6:3 and the angels said “Holy, Holy, Holy is Hashem, Master of legion; the whole world is filled with his glory. The Holy Temple would shake up and down when the angels said his sentence. This is one of the, reasons why we go up on our tiptoes to imitate the shaking of the Bait Hamikdash.

Haftorahman’s thought of the week. From time to time many of us may experience feeling “spiritually” disappointed. Usually this occurs when our expectations from Hashem have not been met. It may be normal for a person to distance himself or herself from Hashem. But wait, if Hashem is the source of all blessing, then why is it that when we feel abandoned, we abandon Hashem? We should reach towards Hashem for what we want, and that is to feel connected to Hashem.

Timeline: Isaiah lived about 2700 years ago.

Map: Isaiah the prophet lived and prophesied in Jerusalem just before the destruction of the 1st Temple.

Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Jerusalem, Israel