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OrtJet South Africa

Shema Yisrael
Torah Network

Mission Statement

We are currently building a worldwide data base of Networking with others in all fields of business.. WE SHARE A COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE AND ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE through the use of our incredible network of students to help assist our brethren worldwide through the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. We are quite optimistic that with proper prayers and working together we can help those who are struggling and amplify the growth of many others.  We have been inspired by the work of ORTJET based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Our project will be called The Mentor Network which will seek out Mentors who will help provide guidance to business owners in their similar field.  From there The Mentor Network will build a business to business Network forum  with a wide range of possibilities where participants can make contacts which will help in the distributing of their goods or services or provide specific links to Banking, Finance, Real Estate,Insurance, Legal, Accounting solutions literally anywhere in the world.

The Mentor Network will seek the cooperation of leaders in business, government and industry from around the world. Additionally, Shema through its diversified network of participants has sought assistance in starting a worldwide Media campaign to make Jewish communities around the world aware of this resource. Our participants have risen to the challenge and are throwing their hat literally in the ring seeking to get involved in this gargantuan effort.

Our technical staff is in the process of building a Business to Business Network to ease the freedom of communication so a participant from a high tech company domiciled in Rehovot can find an outlet for their product in the Silicon Valley or a participant from Sydney can communicate with a manufacturer in Hong Kong or Viet Nam.

Our aim is to provide education and training opportunities that will enable people to compete in the highly volatile business market which will lead them to independent lives as contributing members of the communities in which they live. In these times we must fulfill the mission by offering access to those mentors who can provide information and guidance that are focused and relevant in addition to delivering scientific and technological applications that keep abreast of the latest materials and methods in an ever increasing competitive society.

With its exemplary professional staff and with many years of structure in place we have the utmost confident that The Mentor Network is truly fit for taking on such a challenge. The raison d'etre of our organization is to deliver high quality education and training services to the tens of thousands of students who depend on us through our Shulchan Aruch Learning Project. We are single minded in pursuit of this goal; we do not underestimate the severity of the challenges that lie ahead but we are determined not to be deflected by them. The Mentor Network will now go to the next level in faithfully serving its communities, this time by helping them to achieve and to prosper providing Mentors to our Jewish Brethren who are in such desperate need of our help and have no where to turn.

As the world attempts to come to terms with what has been described as the most serious economic crisis in modern history, Shema's mission and its programs become ever more relevant. As individuals, the world over, suddenly find themselves unemployed - and sometimes unemployable - many will turn to the Shema Network solutions that can give them new approaches for a new beginning and a fresh opportunity to make a valuable contributions to society. That is precisely why Shema has decided to take this challenge and offer up its network of students who can now act as Mentors and Rabbincial Leaders offering both spiritual and material guidance.

It is by constantly and rapidly adapting to change that The Mentor Network will equip the Jewish Business owner with skills and knowledge that are relevant to the economy of the time. As a result of our intervention, we seek to brighten futures for tens of thousands of Americans who will now have access to volunteer Mentors who are generally highly trained teachers and are highly motivated by their past experience and success.

Trying to stay one step ahead in times of rapid change is a huge challenge, but it is one that we embrace willingly. We also recognize that to maintain their place as responsible members of society, our Business Owners need access to those who have many years of technical skills in their area of business. They also need the ethical and moral compass that will guide them to make principled choices in their lives. Without having proper Emuna and Bitachon grounded in solid Torah knowledge especially in the area of Halacha how can one truly hope to succeed. There are now thousands of devoted contributors and participants throughout the world whose blend of youthful energy (regardless of age) and enthusiasm combined with experience of many years can change the lives of thousands of by now devoting their precious time and knowhow.

One of our members, Commonwealth Resource Partners has immediately stepped forward and volunteered their team of members in addition to making a contribution to help kick this effort off. We will need much help in making this a success but as we have seen in the Shema Network the resources always come in the right time. For those who would like to become mentors please fill out the following form or write to pirchei@shemayisrael.com.